Real all the way, cant beat that smell in the living room when you get up at 6 in the morning, grab a slice of christmas ham and some mulled wine (glögg) and look out over a white landscape.
... and the smell of the burning embers of your former home as you embrace at the curb and sing carols while the firefighters roll up their hoses.
Nope, the tree is real, the light is electrical.
Never been a big fan of putting naked flames right next to flammable materials, unless its for the sauna or the fireplace.
So I´m a bit of a pussy that way, I like to keep my home just the way it is, thank you very much.
A fake tree for sure.
I fucking hate Christmas. So if I have to climb my happy ass up to the roof to put up the goddamn lights, then I'm sure as fuck not spending three weeks vacuuming up pine needles.
I sprayed the artificial tree with Pine-Sol. Now it smells just like a real one. Get on my level.