Real Life Sex Doll / REAL Girls PRETENDING to be Sex Dolls


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Re: real life sex doll

Not of that video, but Ive seen real sex doll stuff around. Anyone know if theyre worth the money?

I think just that one clip was doll stuff, if you go to the homesite I think its.....(gasp) real girls!
Re: real life sex doll

Wow! That was sexy stuff! I think I have a new fetish, or I guess another fetish!:anonymous
Re: real life sex doll

And just think, no talking, nagging, honey do's and at any moment you just pull her out of the basket and go to town. Pricless.
Now if she could only clean the house and cook, the perfect woman.
How much for that model in the show room?
Re: real life sex doll

And just think, no talking, nagging, honey do's and at any moment you just pull her out of the basket and go to town. Pricless.
Now if she could only clean the house and cook, the perfect woman.
How much for that model in the show room?


I know it sounds nuts but thats been a fantasy of mine for years, but it never seemed so funny to me untill you just spit it out like that....LOLOLOL