Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Right, and it was swept under a rug and he was still fired even after the truth about Teresa Evans kicking that mentally ill man was found out.

Other officers and several civilian witnesses stepped forward and swore she acted properly.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Other officers and several civilian witnesses stepped forward and swore she acted properly.

Other officers that were all friends of hers. Civilians that can easily be payed off. Do you know nothing about the corrupt?

Look, we obviously disagree. I don't agree with murder and I think it's incredibly sad that Dorner has resorted to that but yet you're only willing to pick apart the fact that I said I'm rooting for him which in all honesty was probably a poor choice of words on my part because as I said earlier I am for justice and that also means justice of the people HE'S killed. I think he deserves to go to prison for this, but I also think he shed light on a corrupt system that a lot of people were blind to.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Bullshit. He's a loon with a persecution complex. The one thing that surprises the shit out of me is that he made it through the psychiatric evaluation when they were stupid enough to hire him. Or are the standards lightened for minority hires in that regard, too?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Bullshit. He's a loon with a persecution complex. The one thing that surprises the shit out of me is that he made it through the psychiatric evaluation when they were stupid enough to hire him. Or are the standards lightened for minority hires in that regard, too?

He was a Lieutenant in the US Navy. Pretty sure you go through much more than your standard Psych eval for that position. Just saying.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Nope. Police psych evals are much more detailed. Unless someone is being screened for Top Secret clearance. Which, to my knowledge, Dorner wasn't. He ran gas stations for the Navy.

I hope he does and saves the state the expense of a trial and incarceration.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Nope. Police psych evals are much more detailed. Unless someone is being screened for Top Secret clearance. Which, to my knowledge, Dorner wasn't. He ran gas stations for the Navy.

I hope he does and saves the state the expense of a trial and incarceration.


He had a TS/SCI clearance(Top Secret Sensitive Compartmentalized Information clearance) which is the highest clearance a service member can attain other than a Yankee White TS/SCI which is only granted for those working with and around the President/Vice President of the United States.

"He served in a naval undersea warfare unit and various aviation training units, according to military records, and took a leave from the LAPD and deployed to Bahrain in 2006 and 2007."

So I'm not sure where you're getting a gas station attendant from?
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Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

BREAKING NEWS: Cabin where fugitive ex-LAPD cop was barricaded burns to the ground after he kills one officer and wounds another in raging gun battle

Christopher Dorner was spotted in the national forest on Tuesday afternoon 20 miles from the spot where his truck was abandoned
Dorner was chased by police to a remote mountain cabin during running gunfight
He shot two San Bernardino sheriff's deputies as he tried to flee the cabin
Both wounded officers were evacuated by helicopter after their comrades laid down a cover of smoke grenades

Read more:

Heavily-armed officers waited around the corner of a cabin near the location where Christopher Dorner is believed to be holed up

The cabin where Christopher Dorner was thought to be hiding out has been engulfed in flames

This cabin the building where Christopher Dorner is believed to be hole up after shooting at game wardens and wounding two sheriff's deputies

The standoff is taking place about 20 miles from the place where his truck was found in Big Bear

This Facebook page of Dorner's fans has reached over 9,000 likes by late Monday evening


Hiliary 2020
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

You're hearing what you want to.. I will tell you what I am rooting for, THE TRUTH. I think he deserves to have his story told and the truth heard because I think it's disgusting the way the LAPD is run.

Can you please show me where I said that killing was acceptable and that I thought they deserved to die?? No? Oh.. Because I DIDN'T!

What about the innocent women the LAPD nearly killed? Why isn't that a tragedy?? You're selective in your accusations of fairness.

Best case scenario? None of this happened and 4 years ago Dorner was never let go from the force because of a flawed, dirty, fucked up system.

Best case scenario at this point? Dorner realizes he's unstable, stops killing people, contacts the media to air his story and turns himself in (knowing full well he'll be murdered in prison by a guard) and the truth about the LAPD is at least realized by SOME..

Why are some senseless tragedies accepted by you but others aren't? It's pretty hypocritical.

Hahahah Right. There is a world of a difference between having affection for serial killers and thinking that it's about time the LAPD is exposed for the corrupt shit hole of a police department that they are..

I THINK MURDER OF ANY KIND IS DISGUSTING! That was NEVER what I was "rooting" for, I simply root for justice and truth to be exposed about corrupt government officials. You obviously will take from this only what you're capable of comprehending and what you're willing to accept. It's easy for sheep to sleep at night.

Also, I hope you don't drive ANY kind of truck, because until Dorner is caught you run the risk of being murdered by the LAPD. Just for driving truck.. Ain't that somethin?

i see your point nikkivalentine. I know what you were trying to say in your first post.

on the other hand i have been involved with the family court system for many years.
i have been the object of discrimination so many times because i have a penis.
treated like shit, lied to, decieved, ignored, information withheld , ect ect.
i have seen a lot of men getting treated the same way in court rooms and lobbies.
heard so many stories that not all of them can be bullshit.
and almost all the employees there are women, unattractive women.
they all just seem like men haters, youre wrong before you even open your mouth no matter how well spoken or polite you are........because you have a penis.
it seems that even the worst mother is better than a great father in their eyes.
And the same goes for Child protection agency.....also almost entirely female except the security guard and the janitor.

If someone was to write out all the wrongs that go on in that system, no matter how well written it may be......then go in a shoot a bunch of them in their fat out of shape faces it might bring some attention to the problem, but for the most part it would just be conceived as some nut on a killing spree.
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I know he looks well done but I hope they wait 'til he's fully cooked inside before pulling him out of the oven. That's a fat turkey there!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

One can only hope he was gang raped by grizzlies prior to eating lead.
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt


Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt


Who thinks he looked like Rondell Sheridan?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I can't wait to let my dog take a dump on his grave, wherever that may be.