Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt


Pornstar poolboy for hire!!
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Fuck the police!

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I saw that on the news last night. One thing you gotta like about the LAPD: they have a heritage to live up to and they strive to do it... every day. They've been a fucked up police dept. since at least the 1940's and they're still fucked up.

Watch Commander: "Officer Donut, tell me what happened."

Officer Donut: "Uh... OK. So we were looking for this big, well armed Black guy and when we saw some little, unarmed Hispanic women, we lit their asses up."

Watch Commander: "Sounds perfectly acceptable to me. Hit the desk for a couple of days and we'll get this thing cleared by Internal Affairs in no time flat." :yesyes:

Will E Worm


Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I give it a year until this is turned into a movie..

I personally am kind of rooting for the guy.. He was fucked over pretty hard and he exhausted all the legal resources he can.. This is very much a "Dexter Morgan" complex where the line of what's acceptable when justice fails us is thin.


Lord Dipstick
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I personally am kind of rooting for the guy.. He was fucked over pretty hard and he exhausted all the legal resources he can.. This is very much a "Dexter Morgan" complex where the line of what's acceptable when justice fails us is thin.

If this race-obsessed cowardly killer is a hero to you you have low standards for good men. What a badass killing a girl, huh? Rolled up on 2 cops at a red light no better than a gang initiation. I guess his word is gospel now because he cries "RACISM!". Better bring a coat and a glass of courage for Mr Wonderful right now. He's frightened and cold wherever he is and the posse is getting closer and angrier. Sticking a gun in his mouth might be the first intelligent move he makes.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dino Velvet again.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
If this race-obsessed cowardly killer is a hero to you you have low standards for good men. What a badass killing a girl, huh? Rolled up on 2 cops at a red light no better than a gang initiation. I guess his word is gospel now because he cries "RACISM!". Better bring a coat and a glass of courage for Mr Wonderful right now. He's frightened and cold wherever he is and the posse is getting closer and angrier. Sticking a gun in his mouth might be the first intelligent move he makes.

Have you even read what the LAPD has put him through? I'm not saying ANY killing is justified and I certainly didn't say he was my hero so there's no need for words in my mouth. All I said was that every single day justice is taken from people because the law is so blind and corrupt. I was in foster care and was raped every night for 6 months by a prominent orange county doctor who was my foster father.. He told me that if I told anyone I'd never get to go home and see my mom so I just let him rape me because at 10 I believed every word he said. When my mom regained custody of me and I told her and the social worker what happened they called the police, do you know what the fine upstanding LAPD officer told us? "No one will believe you, you're welfare trash and he is a prominent doctor who donates thousands upon thousands to charities, including the LA police foundation. You'll be seen as leeches trying to make a quick buck. Take my advice and just try some therapy."

That's what you say to a 6 month rape victim?? NO! Of course we filed charges anyway and do you know what that mother fucker did? He LIED in court and said my story was "wishy washy" and that he didn't think there was enough evidence for a rape case!

So excuse me for understanding that the LAPD is as crooked as it comes, excuse me for thinking that people who DO wrong should pay for it. I feel terrible for those families who lost loved ones because of this but he is right about one thing, NOTHING would have been done without drastic measures because THAT'S how this country fucking works.

And for the record, he isn't crying "Racism" he is crying "UNJUST ACTIONS DUE TO FAVORITISM" because the woman he said kicked that mentally ill man had higher up friends they helped her cover her tracks and ruined his name and reputation. He never claimed it was because he was black.. He said people gave him shit about being black in school and in the academy but that wasn't what this whole thing started over.

I hope you never have a situation where the LAPD screws you over because then you will have to live with knowing what not having justice for the wrong that's been done to you feels like.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to Dino Velvet again.

What about those officers who SHOT DOWN these innocent people without first getting their information correct?? It wasn't even the right make model or fucking color of truck yet they shot over 70 rounds.. WTF? They'll most likely be promoted.. Guaranteed they wont be reprimanded with more than a slap on the wrist. But that's ok right? Because they're government agents so it doesn't matter if THEY kill innocent people!
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Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

If you're not rooting for more killing of people like Monica Quan and other innocent family members then what are you exactly rooting for? What is the best case scenario? Who else do you root for?



Closed Account
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

This is why any lawyer, police officer or anyone that has a job were they know the law if they commit a crime they should lose their job (or license) and be throw in jail for twice the normal amount without bail or early release. Some officers get a god complex were they think they can do anything they want and there was a lawyer around where I live that was growing weed in his house more then just for personal use, he got caught, got to keep his license and little jail time.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

I give it a year until this is turned into a movie..

I personally am kind of rooting for the guy.. He was fucked over pretty hard and he exhausted all the legal resources he can.. This is very much a "Dexter Morgan" complex where the line of what's acceptable when justice fails us is thin.

Have you even read what the LAPD has put him through? I'm not saying ANY killing is justified and I certainly didn't say he was my hero so there's no need for words in my mouth. All I said was that every single day justice is taken from people because the law is so blind and corrupt. I was in foster care and was raped every night for 6 months by a prominent orange county doctor who was my foster father.. He told me that if I told anyone I'd never get to go home and see my mom so I just let him rape me because at 10 I believed every word he said. When my mom regained custody of me and I told her and the social worker what happened they called the police, do you know what the fine upstanding LAPD officer told us? "No one will believe you, you're welfare trash and he is a prominent doctor who donates thousands upon thousands to charities, including the LA police foundation. You'll be seen as leeches trying to make a quick buck. Take my advice and just try some therapy."

That's what you say to a 6 month rape victim?? NO! Of course we filed charges anyway and do you know what that mother fucker did? He LIED in court and said my story was "wishy washy" and that he didn't think there was enough evidence for a rape case!

So excuse me for understanding that the LAPD is as crooked as it comes, excuse me for thinking that people who DO wrong should pay for it. I feel terrible for those families who lost loved ones because of this but he is right about one thing, NOTHING would have been done without drastic measures because THAT'S how this country fucking works.

And for the record, he isn't crying "Racism" he is crying "UNJUST ACTIONS DUE TO FAVORITISM" because the woman he said kicked that mentally ill man had higher up friends they helped her cover her tracks and ruined his name and reputation. He never claimed it was because he was black.. He said people gave him shit about being black in school and in the academy but that wasn't what this whole thing started over.

I hope you never have a situation where the LAPD screws you over because then you will have to live with knowing what not having justice for the wrong that's been done to you feels like.

What about those officers who SHOT DOWN these innocent people without first getting their information correct?? It wasn't even the right make model or fucking color of truck yet they shot over 70 rounds.. WTF? They'll most likely be promoted.. Guaranteed they wont be reprimanded with more than a slap on the wrist. But that's ok right? Because they're government agents so it doesn't matter if THEY kill innocent people!

It looks like you're rooting for him. A bunch.

Racism in the LAPD has been overblown since before the Rodney King incident. The Rampart Division scandal involved no more than four officers and the 10,000 other cops have been paying the price for far too long. The consent decree against them was unconstitutional at best and emasculating at worst. There are bad apples in every department but not WHOLE departments. The officers directly involved in these incidents are the ones who should be cast aside not the average cop whose sole aim is to do his duty.

And it swings both ways, too. Black police officers project their bigotry and prejudices on white offenders all the time, but nothing is done about it.

This Dorner asshole was/is unstable to the point of him breaking down and crying because he felt he needed retraining after his deployment. He lied about his Training Officer's conduct and was caught. That's what caused his meltdown, not his perceived persecution.

The sooner he assumes room temperature, the better.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

If you're not rooting for more killing of people like Monica Quan and other innocent family members then what are you exactly rooting for? What is the best case scenario? Who else do you root for?


You're hearing what you want to.. I will tell you what I am rooting for, THE TRUTH. I think he deserves to have his story told and the truth heard because I think it's disgusting the way the LAPD is run.

Can you please show me where I said that killing was acceptable and that I thought they deserved to die?? No? Oh.. Because I DIDN'T!

What about the innocent women the LAPD nearly killed? Why isn't that a tragedy?? You're selective in your accusations of fairness.

Best case scenario? None of this happened and 4 years ago Dorner was never let go from the force because of a flawed, dirty, fucked up system.

Best case scenario at this point? Dorner realizes he's unstable, stops killing people, contacts the media to air his story and turns himself in (knowing full well he'll be murdered in prison by a guard) and the truth about the LAPD is at least realized by SOME..

Why are some senseless tragedies accepted by you but others aren't? It's pretty hypocritical.

Hahahah Right. There is a world of a difference between having affection for serial killers and thinking that it's about time the LAPD is exposed for the corrupt shit hole of a police department that they are..

I THINK MURDER OF ANY KIND IS DISGUSTING! That was NEVER what I was "rooting" for, I simply root for justice and truth to be exposed about corrupt government officials. You obviously will take from this only what you're capable of comprehending and what you're willing to accept. It's easy for sheep to sleep at night.

Also, I hope you don't drive ANY kind of truck, because until Dorner is caught you run the risk of being murdered by the LAPD. Just for driving truck.. Ain't that somethin?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

The TRUTH came out in his disciplinary hearings.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
It looks like you're rooting for him. A bunch.

Racism in the LAPD has been overblown since before the Rodney King incident. The Rampart Division scandal involved no more than four officers and the 10,000 other cops have been paying the price for far too long. The consent decree against them was unconstitutional at best and emasculating at worst. There are bad apples in every department but not WHOLE departments. The officers directly involved in these incidents are the ones who should be cast aside not the average cop whose sole aim is to do his duty.

And it swings both ways, too. Black police officers project their bigotry and prejudices on white offenders all the time, but nothing is done about it.

This Dorner asshole was/is unstable to the point of him breaking down and crying because he felt he needed retraining after his deployment. He lied about his Training Officer's conduct and was caught. That's what caused his meltdown, not his perceived persecution.

The sooner he assumes room temperature, the better.

I am not "rooting for him a bunch".. Read what I just wrote to Dino.. I even said I think he is unstable, he knows he's unstable.. But that doesn't change that there are A LOT of corrupt officers on the force, especially in the LAPD.

Call me biased because of my own situation in dealing with the idiots but I know the pain of standing in court telling the TRUTH only to be looked at as a terrible person and called a liar by an LAPD police officer who in all reality was the actual LIAR! And I was only 10. Who the fuck takes advantage of kid like that so they can keep getting monetary donations??

I know that just because some officers are dirty doesn't mean the whole department is.. Of course not, I have family that are police officers.. I have friends that are cops, I dated a cop.
It's also because of those reasons that I know just how dirty some cops can be.

I am not justifying what Dorner is doing at all, Do you seriously think I am for senseless murder? I mean honestly?

The TRUTH came out in his disciplinary hearings.

Right, and it was swept under a rug and he was still fired even after the truth about Teresa Evans kicking that mentally ill man was found out.
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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Yes. Don't you have some pen pals to write to?

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt

Yes. Don't you have some pen pals to write to?

Right. Like I said It's easy for sheep to sleep at night. Don't forget to put on your rose colored glasses in the morning.