Re: LAPD Shooting Innocent People During the Christopher Dorner Manhunt
If you're not rooting for more killing of people like Monica Quan and other innocent family members then what are you exactly rooting for? What is the best case scenario? Who else do you root for?
You're hearing what you want to.. I will tell you what I am rooting for, THE TRUTH. I think he deserves to have his story told and the truth heard because I think it's disgusting the way the LAPD is run.
Can you please show me where I said that killing was acceptable and that I thought they deserved to die?? No? Oh.. Because I DIDN'T!
What about the innocent women the LAPD nearly killed? Why isn't that a tragedy?? You're selective in your accusations of fairness.
Best case scenario? None of this happened and 4 years ago Dorner was never let go from the force because of a flawed, dirty, fucked up system.
Best case scenario at this point? Dorner realizes he's unstable, stops killing people, contacts the media to air his story and turns himself in (knowing full well he'll be murdered in prison by a guard) and the truth about the LAPD is at least realized by SOME..
Why are some senseless tragedies accepted by you but others aren't? It's pretty hypocritical.
Hahahah Right. There is a world of a difference between having affection for serial killers and thinking that it's about time the LAPD is exposed for the corrupt shit hole of a police department that they are..
I THINK MURDER OF ANY KIND IS DISGUSTING! That was NEVER what I was "rooting" for, I simply root for justice and truth to be exposed about corrupt government officials. You obviously will take from this only what you're capable of comprehending and what you're willing to accept. It's easy for sheep to sleep at night.
Also, I hope you don't drive ANY kind of truck, because until Dorner is caught you run the risk of being murdered by the LAPD. Just for driving truck.. Ain't that somethin?