5/10 - Not great, not bad. It looks like Johnny Knoxville with a camera, or some dude taking a pic of himself (using a mirror) for his MySpace.com profile. lol :tongue: :1orglaugh
P.S. When rating these I think we should add a description of what we're rating, since many of us change or rotate our avys somewhat often. :2 cents:
I give it 7/10. It has Kate so that is a plus, but she is a little small in size in it. The extra space could have been used up to enlarge Kate. Has nice use of a banana. Sort of hard to tell what the surrounding things are in the picture, that’s I why I would have made Kate take up more space in it. I think it is a more unique type of avatar than most people would come up with so that is a plus. It looks like you went through and chose a good picture or came across a good one that would make a good avatar. All around I would say it is a pretty good avatar.