Rare Pink Dolphin


Closed Account
Its like back in the early 90s when you played Super Mario World for the 1st time, and you discover there are different colored Yoshis.
Its like back in the early 90s when you played Super Mario World for the 1st time, and you discover there are different colored Yoshis.

Not qiuite, thats like saying, were at the end of discovery. When we first begin to think there is a new world we have to walk away. Which is profoundly accurate according to the geological aspects of accumlating life in many forms. I don't know ; life is at its peak to flounder. I wish they don't do any experiements. Because people want to. Thats why you they have disappeared. It's K30edd Classiffied, you would have to be able to tap into the datable of a secudled underground water aquarieum based in the bremuda triangle. Its almost turned into a cult.
I was expecting pictures of some guys dick.
at a point long ago there was a hurricane, or a natural accurance that left a certin point fragile to dig... at such a turning circle in the eloped equator, or quantom beltartcauses the earth to heat and the waves to stop circulating. Which gives out a radius of over a thousand acres. Which if you divide by pie and the weight of saturated soil. 3.14 est. to be 9.81 multiplied by 47 for the wave length to get back around and the earth to shift causing a nother lunar eclipise which would be enough to say. In 2012 the world will be coming to an end. Unless, there is another natural disaster which will shift and slow down the rotation of the world by another gravitation pull of a whole second. Therefore the wave will transsend to hit the spot of indivernce and not hit land. Or so called thesis. who knows
Not qiuite, thats like saying, were at the end of discovery. When we first begin to think there is a new world we have to walk away. Which is profoundly accurate according to the geological aspects of accumlating life in many forms. I don't know ; life is at its peak to flounder. I wish they don't do any experiements. Because people want to. Thats why you they have disappeared. It's K30edd Classiffied, you would have to be able to tap into the datable of a secudled underground water aquarieum based in the bremuda triangle. Its almost turned into a cult.

at a point long ago there was a hurricane, or a natural accurance that left a certin point fragile to dig... at such a turning circle in the eloped equator, or quantom beltartcauses the earth to heat and the waves to stop circulating. Which gives out a radius of over a thousand acres. Which if you divide by pie and the weight of saturated soil. 3.14 est. to be 9.81 multiplied by 47 for the wave length to get back around and the earth to shift causing a nother lunar eclipise which would be enough to say. In 2012 the world will be coming to an end. Unless, there is another natural disaster which will shift and slow down the rotation of the world by another gravitation pull of a whole second. Therefore the wave will transsend to hit the spot of indivernce and not hit land. Or so called thesis. who knows

uhm. what


Clever advertising for a new vibrator.
There are pink freshwater dolphins in the Amazon, but they are horrendously ugly compared to the bottle nosed kind.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Name of the thread: GAY! Pink... dolphins.. alright, where's the pride parade? Cmon, dont make me call up FAGTA and see where this dolphin is performing cabaret while in drag for an audience of people both DRINKING and PERFORMING beefeater. That's a gin, in case you dunno. It's also.. eh, you get the second innuendo.

::clicks the pic:: o_O; pink dolphin.. has a blowhole on it's head.. wha? oh.. oh shit. ::looks down:: .. the hell? My dick is gone.

::dick walks down to the bay, sits on the dock and gently cries::
All over America, and Great Britain I imagine, millions of women are creaming instantaneously over seeing 2 of their world colliding (the world of the pink and the world of the dolphin)...

Me thinkee there will be an uptick of pink dolphin requests at tattoo parlors everywhere...can we buy some stock in tattoo parlors?