If university-know-it-all hippies didn't lobby governments in the west to lock up forests, maybe so many forestry companies wouldn't relocate to remote regions of South America and Asia to wantonly mow down whatever they please at a rate of knots. At least when they're logging at home (in my case, Australia), you can ensure that it's sustainable logging - and although the hippies won't admit it, there IS such a thing as sustainable forestry.
That being said, if your house has any timber used in it's construction (for example, the frame), then you have no right to make a negative comment. If the frame of your house is made out of aluminium because you want to save the environment, then you're a moron. If, however, you live in a tree, living off nuts and berries and have a solar powered computer made out of leaves and coconut shells, then comment away.
< / rant >
I'm off to look at boobs!