>>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Raffle Closed - All Prizes have been Claimed!


knows petras secret: she farted.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

come on a personalized, hand written message from the FreeOnes crew!!!!

i fucking know one of them is judge reinhold!!!


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

Jesus Blowdried Christ on the Halfshell! Enough with the suspense already! You guys do understand, you're able to grasp the concept that you've generated a certain amount of interest in this, don't you? So let's go! Zoom zoom, bali bali, chop chop! Next numbers pleeeeeeeeeeeese! I'm sittin' here and sittin' here and sittin' here. I just watched the LoTR trilogy. And it wasn't that good this time either. I've got Ray spooled up as soon as my spicy breaded chicken comes out of the oven.....and then I'm just going to lose my shit. Numbers, we need numbers. Yes my precious, numbers (had to go with it). Why do you mock us so? You're just doing this on purpose now, aren't you? Petra's revenge. I know how you think.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

Jesus Blowdried Christ on the Halfshell! Enough with the suspense already! You guys do understand, you're able to grasp the concept that you've generated a certain amount of interest in this, don't you? So let's go! Zoom zoom, bali bali, chop chop! Next numbers pleeeeeeeeeeeese! I'm sittin' here and sittin' here and sittin' here. I just watched the LoTR trilogy. And it wasn't that good this time either. I've got Ray spooled up as soon as my spicy breaded chicken comes out of the oven.....and then I'm just going to lose my shit. Numbers, we need numbers. Yes my precious, numbers (had to go with it). Why do you mock us so? You're just doing this on purpose now, aren't you? Petra's revenge. I know how you think.



Die For Me
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

Bingo dingus, got me a matching number. Yay free stuff.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! New numbers as of 08/01 at 5am EST!

I never win anything when it comes to luck. :(

missed 3140 number by one.
should have bought 1 extra ticket :)


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

11am is 2nd brunch. Then its tea time. Followed immediately by lunch. Then beer time. Then linner. Followed by dinner. Then after dinner snack, usually called dinck.

We had to change it from dick.


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

11am is 2nd brunch. Then its tea time. Followed immediately by lunch. Then beer time. Then linner. Followed by dinner. Then after dinner snack, usually called dinck.

We had to change it from dick.

I doubt that all of you did. Oh no he di'n't.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

Bingo dingus, got me a matching number. Yay free stuff.

Congrats buddy! :)

Also congrats to all the other winners so far.

Still no matching number for me. :o


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! New numbers as of 08/01 at 5am EST!

Oh shit. I was waiting for a new post, and wasn't looking at the OP at all. But still, bupkus for me. And ironically, the first two real digits in my ticket numbers are my lucky number.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

11am is 2nd brunch. Then its tea time. Followed immediately by lunch. Then beer time. Then linner. Followed by dinner. Then after dinner snack, usually called dinck.

We had to change it from dick.

i hope it included menu change too.


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

i hope it included menu change too.

Depends who's eating. For instance, I had enchiladas. Sans the dick.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! New numbers as of 08/01 at 5am EST!

My years of being a perverted fuck have still not paid off. Hope everyone is doing well this fine morning. I take it this is only one a day or will that change to become more drawings per day?


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Another group has been drawn at 08:40am EST!

Check your numbers, another group was drawn.


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

QUOTE=emailaddress;8134108]WTF? Is one of the prizes really a picture of Petra's pussy or am I reading something wrong? LOL... I've never even seen her, I don't even know what her face looks like. Why would that be one of the prizes? LOL... [/QUOTE]

I've seen it.

Start drawing the right numbers, bitch! :mad:

I got 10 tickets...you'd think at least ONE would show up...!:brick:[
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

11am is 2nd brunch. Then its tea time. Followed immediately by lunch. Then beer time. Then linner. Followed by dinner. Then after dinner snack, usually called dinck.

We do it quite differently over here.


Plus you have to make allowances for casserole. For most of us, that's a couple of times a week. But for some notably fashion-conscious teenagers, the figure can rise to two or three casseroles every single day.

Vivre le difference.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

I got 10 tickets...you'd think at least ONE would show up...!:brick:

I got 30... and nothing so far.

There's only one prize that I really want. Once it's gone, well...

To anyone who has already won: I hate your face. :mad:

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

I got 10 tickets...you'd think at least ONE would show up...!:brick:[
I got 30... and nothing so far.
They handed out more than 4,000 tickets! Maybe we should have built a ticket pool together. And share the prizes. ;)

There's only one prize that I really want. Once it's gone, well...
You just have to search the board. Petra has posted that pussy pic before.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

You just have to search the board. Petra has posted that pussy pic before.

All I want is the Playboy pass. I think it will get picked later anyway.

Fingers crossed...