Rachel should put racism aside and consider trying IR. I work for a popular reality site and it's in high demand right now. Customers and fans are fascinated with the taboo behind it while the IR performers only see the color difference. BTW i'm white.
Yet another moron that compares a girl's sexual preferences, with racism. Dude, this has already been discussed here. It's not a matter of racism. The fact that she enjoys working with caucasian (and latino, for that matter) men DOES NOT mean she is a racist woman.

Next time you post something on this thread, try to make it an intelligent comment. Otherwise, just shut the fuck up, please.
Hey Rachel first i just want to say your my favorite pornstar. I was just wondering do you go to the gym a lot? What exercises do you do? You have an AMAZING body! Thanks. Stay beautiful! :)
She is a racist when she objects performing with a person just based on skin color. But if this has already been discussed I apologize.


She is a racist when she objects performing with a person just based on skin color. But if this has already been discussed I apologize.

took a moment to check out Racer's total of 25 posts.. have to say a large amount are pretty negative so I say again :ban: :ban: :ban: we need less people like him/her on this board :2 cents:

Rachel....psssst... you're hot! :hatsoff:
Yeah, guys, would you stop with the bashing already. Play nice.

Nice to see you're still posting and staying in contact here, Rachel. Really like your recent scenes (well, the recently released ones to be exact). You look amazing. And I gotta agree with what someone else said before: leave the piercings where they are. Looks great. Perfect nipples (and breasts for that matter) for piercings.
And as you seem to wanna be a positive person, I'd say "stay positive". ;)
Racism...? Really? Jeez, this thread and Maya Devine's have the same whiny people yammering about racism. Come on, just because a person does porn films doesn't mean they have to work with just anyone; especially not for our own foolish jollies. Thanks for the good work Rachel!!:hatsoff:
chill down about this racial shit i'm sick of hearing about it. rachel your body is slammin. me and my girl love watching your scenes together so keep up the amazing work and we can't wait for the new scenes :D
I would say thats about right!;)



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OMFG, here we go with the racism BS again when a star chooses not to do a IR scene.

WHO CARES!!! I would rather her not do a IR scene and I'm damn happy she never has!!

Whats the difference in a star choosing not to do IR and one that chooses not to do Anal??...Nothing, except one is labeled as a racist.
Hi Rachel,

I think I echo most of the guys posting positive stuff on the thread. What you choose to do and what you choose to refrain from doing is purely a personal choice that only you have the right to make :thumbsup:. Nobody can influence or otherwise persuade you into doing what you are not happy doing. You ARE HOT doing exactly what youre currently doing, and am sure your new stuff will continue to be so. Please try to ignore some of the negative sounding comments posted here :thefinger and instead try to concentrate on the true fans of yours who are extremely happy you make appearences regularly here, and will unanimously support you in your efforts :thumbsup:. It would be a real crying shame if the small minority were to prevent you coming here :weeping:.