Rachel Maddow (MSNBC anchor) to GOP : "We're counting on you, wake up !"

Yeah, I know, soem of you will say "MSNBC :facepalm:" or "Rachel Maddow :facepalm:" or even "Liberals :facepalm:"

But I think she totally nailed. Particulary in the 2d part of her speech (which starts at 1:09).

I mean, America can't afford to have half of its political leaders to deny the problems. America needs to have both parties fighting them, both with their own ways of fighting them, proposing their solutions. Otherwise, the Republicans will decline slowly. And America can't afford to be left to the Democrats alone.

Think about the great Republican presidents of the past : A. Lincoln, T. Roosevelt, D. Eisenhower, R. Reagan
What makes them great presidents ? They've embraced their time, they've lead America to accomplish its transformartions it needed to go on living in the "real world", living by their time. These are the kind of guys which made America the greatest country in the world.
These are the kind of Republicans the GOP needs
These are the kind of Republicans America needs
These are the kind of Republicans the World needs

Reagan was a great republican president.
America don't needs a president who will lead to how it was when Reagan was president. America needs a president who will lead it forward, like Reagan did.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
No, I'm not going to go with the Rachael Maddow MSNBC Liberal bullshit. I do believe that we should work with the situations that affect us today. However, she is not going to sell me her,"Let's all come together" crap. Any opposition of the extreem left agenda is going to be on her next show. She is just another talking head with a show looking to sell body wash and cars. No different than Hannity or Rush.

The Right does have decisions to make. Abortion and same sex marriage has to be put on the back burner. The majority of this country don't give a rat's ass about them. Those issues can be brought up at a later time. Today we need to get people working and money flowing. Cut the handouts, focus on our needs, and let industry create.


No, I'm not going to go with the Rachael Maddow MSNBC Liberal bullshit. I do believe that we should work with the situations that affect us today. However, she is not going to sell me her,"Let's all come together" crap. Any opposition of the extreem left agenda is going to be on her next show. She is just another talking head with a show looking to sell body wash and cars. No different than Hannity or Rush.

The Right does have decisions to make. Abortion and same sex marriage has to be put on the back burner. The majority of this country don't give a rat's ass about them. Those issues can be brought up at a later time. Today we need to get people working and money flowing. Cut the handouts, focus on our needs, and let industry create.

This is where you guys get your asses handed to you. I don't know about the "majority", but many, many people do give a rats ass. And Bob? Civil Rights can be brought up right now and can keep being brought up. If nothing else, I'm going to keep bringing them up.
The Right does have decisions to make. Abortion and same sex marriage has to be put on the back burner. The majority of this country don't give a rat's ass about them. Those issues can be brought up at a later time. Today we need to get people working and money flowing. Cut the handouts, focus on our needs, and let industry create.
Civil Right should NEVER be put on the back burner and should ALWAYS be a key issue. Otherwise, it will never be the good time to bring them up and progress would never be made.

I'm gonna talk about French History 'cause this is the example tha 1st come to my mind :
Back in 1944 after France was liberated from the Nazi, on of the very first decision the Provisional Government of the French Republic and its leader General De Gaulle took was to allow women ot vote.
The country had to be rebuilt but still civil rights were put as key point of the government agenda.

Human right, civil rights are what define a democracy, what makes ifference between democracy and tyranny, they should always be a priority, to any government.

Eisenhower didn't put Afro-American Civil Rights on the back burner, he didn't waited for the Cold War to stop to grant them the same educationnal rights than the whites.


Closed Account
Wow that was really well said by Rachel Maddow. The GOP needs to shape up and regroup. Yay Democrats.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
This is where you guys get your asses handed to you. I don't know about the "majority", but many, many people do give a rats ass. And Bob? Civil Rights can be brought up right now and can keep being brought up. If nothing else, I'm going to keep bringing them up.

Those things have to take second place to the economy. Put that on top of your priority list. Obama rammed that shitty health care bill down our throats ahead of fixing the financial crisis. Ramming that shit up our asses was his first priority. Was that a good move? I'll give him credit for stabilizing the economy but what comes next? Higher taxes in 2013 and more in 2014. You think abortion and gay marriage should step ahead of the line? We can work that stuff out later.
No, I'm not going to go with the Rachael Maddow MSNBC Liberal bullshit. I do believe that we should work with the situations that affect us today. However, she is not going to sell me her,"Let's all come together" crap. Any opposition of the extreem left agenda is going to be on her next show. She is just another talking head with a show looking to sell body wash and cars. No different than Hannity or Rush.
This ain't "let's all come together".
It is "Let's all debate the problems, let's all bring our solutions, and let's the people decide how they want the problems to be dealed with"


Again, you guys lose and you refuse to accept the very real reasons why. There is NOTHING that takes second place to Civil Rights. Nothing. And your shitty health care law was originated by a Republican who, depite subsequent recantations, said it was the best thing for the country too. So if it is "shitty", don't blame Obama and don't blame the Dems.

And who said anything about higher taxes in 2013 and 2014?


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
We are getting higher taxes next year when the Bush cuts expire and the year after when it's time to pay for Obamacare. We are still in a situation where too many people are without jobs. Ask a gay person without a job what they would rather have first? Get married or get back to work. By the same token ask a straight liberal without a job the same question. Either way it is up to the states to decide.

The people in Mass. have to live with they got. I don't care. It was Obama that shoved that shit down our throats before tackling the more immediate situation. You think that solving the social situations first is going to get struggling families back on their feet any faster? Those things have to take second place to the economy. It's not like we are in Rwanda.


We are getting higher taxes next year when the Bush cuts expire and the year after when it's time to pay for Obamacare. We are still in a situation where too many people are without jobs. Ask a gay person without a job what they would rather have first? Get married or get back to work. By the same token ask a straight liberal without a job the same question. Either way it is up to the states to decide.

The people in Mass. have to live with they got. I don't care. It was Obama that shoved that shit down our throats before tackling the more immediate situation. You think that solving the social situations first is going to get struggling families back on their feet any faster? Those things have to take second place to the economy. It's not like we are in Rwanda.

One could argue that healthcare is an immediate situation. And it's an economic one. Along with jobs, many people are concerned/affected by their lack of coverage. And I'm not trying to score a point by saying that I'm one of them. I just am. I have a pre-existing condition that makes my life/work very much harder and I haven't been able to address it. And there are plenty of others like me. (It's somewhat ironic that you use the phrase "back on their feet", since it is a condition with my right foot that is a problem) So, to me, healthcare is directly tied to the economy. And as a Liberal, Civil Rights will never take a back seat to anything. We have to agree to disagree on this.

Will E Worm

No one needs a liberal to tell them what to do.

Rachel Maddow the angry young man :1orglaugh