If he's one of those assholish kind-a guys he'll probably get a kick out of it.
But if you really want to get back at him here's what you do:
You wait until about 3am on a week night, preferably when it's raining because it'll help set the mood. Break into his house, sneak up to his room making sure to be extra quiet so as to not wake him up.
Once you've made your way into his bedroom you then have to position the camera (do not forget the camera whatever you do!) in a place where you're going to get the best picture possible, now this all depends on how his room is set out - but one piece of advice I would give you is wherever his bed is positioned, place the camera in front of the only light source in the room so as to allow the light to be directly focused on him and only him and it's not fucking up your shot. Of course, if he sleeps with the light on you don't have to worry about any of this, but I'm going to assume that he doesn't.
Now once all of the technicalities have been sorted and the camera is set up and ready to shoot when needed. You have to attempt to move him into the right position for the act to take place. Now if he's already on his back this is no problem, but if he's not this will be your biggest problem of the night because it may take you more than an hour to get him to turn onto his back or he may never do it and you'll leave dissapointed and we don't want that now do we. If he's on his front there are many different methods you could use to get him to turn over, the one I like to call little pushes where you gently push him over. The only problem with this is it is extremely slow and you really don't want to be wasting time with all of than nonsense. For you I would advise the 'ghostly whisper', as you can imagine by the name it's nothing more than light whispering in his ear. but it will get a person to turn over if done long enough and I'm sure it's far easier to do with a feminine voice than it is my own. but take it from me, it works. The only real problem with the ghostly whisper is that your victim is going to be semiconscious for about 5 or so minuets after you've got them to do whatever it is you want them to do, which can be tricky especially if they have a floor that creaks. But in this time - forgetting about the problems you may face along the way in order to achieve your goal, you should be in action mode. Switching the camera on, making sure the light is perfect, removing your pants. All of the things you believe will be needed when the time comes.
Now when you're ready hop up onto the bed, position yourself over his sleeping body. Personally I would say at about head height for true humiliation. Of course, as I forgot to mention earlier in this piece you will have to eat fruit and only fruit for at least a week before you even attempt this. I'm sure a good healthy person such as yourself won't have many qualms about such an activity. But anyway - you're full of fruit, your body has fully digested it taking out all of the precious nutrients leaving you with nothing but the waste product.
What should you do with that waste you ask? Well you are half naked standing over your cheating boyfriends face with a camera rolling..... why not let er' rip right there for the world to see? It's completely up to you.
Now your escape will have to be of your own devices. I would suggest to you to leave the camera it'll just slow you down, but depending on what you're recording to grab that as fast as you can and get out of there, even leave your clothes if needs must. I would make sure to wear mens clothes so that if he decides to check them it's even more of a surprise (I mean a chick shitting on your face is one thing, but a guy!? That's a big no-no). It doesn't matter if you're running down the street half naked at 4am, if you have a car waiting at the end of the block no one will even notice - except the dog walkers but fuck them. But a little word of warning if he at any time wakes up before you want him to get out of there and don't look back. Jump out of the window if you must because you really don't want to have to deal with that now do you? I suppose you could always fed-ex him your crap. Or maybe just some anthrax......
Now, you're home - all went well. You have the tape, upload that bitch onto the internet, or create your own site in which to upload it. You'll be an internet superstar. Granted that's nothing more than a big brother contestant but it's something, right? He'll find out it was you, of course he will. But I'm sure if you were to point out exactly who you're shitting on he'll be more than willing to let it slide because the embarrassment will be just too much to bear (or he'll kill you, but lets not talk about that).
Is this not a better plan? And it really works trust me.
I hope it all goes well for you. Remember to come back to us when it's done and tell us how it went. I'm sure we'd all like to hear. Plus you could post that link and we could all have a chuckle. :hatsoff:
Of course if you get caught and arrested it's probably best that you don't tell us what happened. No one like an unhappy ending now do they.