Sorry that I ask, but are there already plans for a PS4 actually?
Sorry that I ask, but are there already plans for a PS4 actually?
What features do think it will have that the PS3 doesn't?
What features do you hope it will have that the PS3 doesn't?
Why are you looking forward way in the future? The PS3 hasn't even been out that long. Hardware wise, the PS3 has everything you need in a system. Software wise, it has some cool things but software can always be upgraded or added overtime with online downloadable releases.
Probably somewhere under Sony headquarters, but the current plan is for the PS3 to be around for ten years.
Thats the average for systems these days. 8-10 years. At the end of which time a given systems potential will be fully realized. Just look at god of war 2 for the PS2!
..God of War 3(2.5?) for the PSP showcases it pretty well. Nice to have a series that always pushes a system to the limit, eh?
If you thought that was good, wait til God of War 3 comes out.
I for one don't give a shit what they do to there machine as it will never be good enough to compete with the xbox !! Fact !! but if i had to say what's needed we first off they need to sort out there online service yeah PS don't charge but then the service online suck balls. maybe have a processor made by someone thats not intel as microsoft owns them and wont let sony have a better chip than whats in there machine. wow there lots the only reason PS3 sold in the first place was for the Blue ray player nowadays you can buy a stand alone blue ray player that better quailty. Well what ever system you play on just enjoy it and have fun. and sony eat shit and die
Let me ask you this, what happens when games get too big for DVDs? What's the 360 gonna use?
Metal Gear Solid 4 is at 45 gigs uncompressed, that's around 5 and a half dual-layered DVDs. Imagine in a year or two from now, do you want to be playing a game where you would be constantly switching between 10 DVDs?
I wonder what PS5 will be like
I wouldnt waste your breath, the gaming community has no time for fanboys.
I'm lucky enough to have all formats and the xbox and ps3 have both got fantastic qualities, but the near future game lineup for ps3 does look alot rosier i have to say.