Not funny or cool. Someone in the wwf proceeded without authorization to run that ad in Europe and South America. Someone should get fired for that shit.
At least with tsunamis and earthquakes there's not a malevolent bunch of conspirators responsible......Just an angry God. I don't know what they're trying to do with this poster but they'll never receive a charitable contribution from me.
I'm with Johnnystyro on this one.
They are just pushing their own agenda.
They worship "Mother Gaia."
No one can stop or prevent natural disasters, to think we can is to be woefully and willfully ignorant and arrogant.
To use 9/11 as a bully pulpit to push an agenda is about as low as they can get. Its time for them to fold their group.
Rather distasteful.
I don't understand why this is funny section either.
Very poor taste.
No one can stop or prevent natural disasters, to think we can is to be woefully and willfully ignorant and arrogant.
it does what ads are supposed to do, be memorable. If that volcano in the Canary Islands decides to break off and fall into the ocean, theory has it a 50-foot tsunami will hit NYC and Miami. it will be panic time for sure.
to think that you can stop or prevent one human being or a group of human beings from creating a disaster, is to be woefully and willfully ignorant and arrogant.
the united states is supposed to be the land of the free. so if someone wants to run an advertisment that i dont like, i will fight to the death to be sure they have every right to do so!!!
I just found it funny that these were the only two citys that would be affected...not Charleston? not Jacksonville, not Dover? Was it supposed to be from Miami to NYC?