what about "high class" escorts. they can make thousands in just on night. and they are in safe environments. if they do outcall, they always have some guy with them ready to throw down if the situation calls for it. and some of them look damn good from what ive seen. youre right about comparing pornstars to street walkers though.
Well making more I guess can be debated.
It really it depends on the companies your working for, time on set, etc.
I can recall many times waiting around for 6 hours to do a $150 blow job scene. And features.... Generally pay the same as gonzo and you're there all blooming day and night!!!
I'll agree it can be much safer on a set. But don't forget Natel King was murdered by Anthony Joseph Frederick on his porn set.
So let's just say you're going to take risks no matter what.
Whereas in contrast...
An escort pretty much for each hour she works. Can pick and choose what hours she works and quite often even where.
Not to mention. (And you're not going to like hearing this)
An escort tends to be at less risk for disease. It's not extreme bareback, sex for hours, non-stop with someone that has had sex with over 100 people that month. For the most part it's 20 minutes worth of squishy noises and apx. 40 minutes of personal attention.
And when it is done, it's over! Whereas years later I'm hearing about a scene that was shot in poor lighting by amateurs and I said "Oh shit" too many times for an anal scene.
I'm not trying to say that one is better than the other. But at the end of the day you're just being paid for sex.