Lately whenever I've visited YouTube I keep getting some program that tries to install itself and my antivirus keeps catching it. I got windows Vista (yes, I know, shut up, please) and I get the usual security pop up about giving some program permission to connect to the internet, which I keep declining, again, and again, and again. 
I know how to get rid of it now, just opened task manager, select processes, found out where that annoying little bug was hidding, stopped the process and then right away deleted it from my hard drive. It's getting really annoying, it's something called "Dr. Links" or something like that and the .exe file has a bunch of numbers like "001451514523.exe", anyone else having those problems?
I'm just wondering how many other people are having the same problem and what you've been doing about it. At first I thought it was all the porn I downloaded and all those porn pages I visited that gave me that problem but I'm very surprised it actually happens after visiting youtube!
Maybe they're trying to track every page I visit to tell the govment what I'm up to and send me to a reeducation camp... :tinhat:
I know how to get rid of it now, just opened task manager, select processes, found out where that annoying little bug was hidding, stopped the process and then right away deleted it from my hard drive. It's getting really annoying, it's something called "Dr. Links" or something like that and the .exe file has a bunch of numbers like "001451514523.exe", anyone else having those problems?
I'm just wondering how many other people are having the same problem and what you've been doing about it. At first I thought it was all the porn I downloaded and all those porn pages I visited that gave me that problem but I'm very surprised it actually happens after visiting youtube!
Maybe they're trying to track every page I visit to tell the govment what I'm up to and send me to a reeducation camp... :tinhat: