President Evil 2 - Apocalypse


Retired Moderator


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At least we have so originality when we post picture of Bush, i've seen that picture of Kerry at least 5 times on this board... :D
bigdan1110 said:
At least we have so originality when we post picture of Bush, i've seen that picture of Kerry at least 5 times on this board... :D

I've seen the Bush picture a million times myself. So I guess that blows your comment out of the water Dan.

Get off it. Anything you want to photo shop about Bush, we can do the same to Kerry. Don't pick a fight you can't win. But the funny thing is, photo shopping things is your only way of slamming Bush. Lucky for us, Kerry makes himself look bad all the time.


Dirty Sanchez said:
I've seen the Bush picture a million times myself. So I guess that blows your comment out of the water Dan.

Get off it. Anything you want to photo shop about Bush, we can do the same to Kerry. Don't pick a fight you can't win. But the funny thing is, photo shopping things is your only way of slamming Bush. Lucky for us, Kerry makes himself look bad all the time.

You have no sense of humor. :D


You dont even know what your talking about! I have made fun of Kerry before, this is what's wrong with you, get your facts straight before you criticize others. :2 cents:
Lucky for us, Kerry makes himself look bad all the time.

You have it backwards, dumbass. Even the most partisan right-wing moron could see that Bush ruins his own image a million times worse than Kerry, or pretty much any other politician out there today. Therefore your opinion is VOID and WRONG.