I am 70 and an old white man. By definition I should be opposed to all these various changes in genders, races et al. But being the non conformast I am I find that as I get older the adage "Live and Let Live" is becoming a large part of my view on life. If the people are good ones and don't cause a lot of problems I really don't care what they call themselves. I have enough problems in my life already without having to care one little bit about your religion,(or lack of) your race, your ethnicity, or your sexualty. Period. !
I'm 56, and I'm right there with you. For me it boils down to this.
keep your hands off my wallet, guns, etc.
protect my borders, and maintain the infra structure
Eyes out of my personal business
instead of raising taxes, don't give everything away to people that haven't contributed.
stop mollycoddling criminals
reward good behavior, punish bad behavior.