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FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member

New members need to have their posts approved by a moderator until they hit 5 posts. After 5 there will be no more restrictions! If you still have your welcome message, there is a link to the moderators if you're in a hurry. :)

Typically the wait time should be less than 24 hours!


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
New members cannot permission to create a threat in "Identify / Name the Babe" ?

Welcome aboard! Looks like you missed the answer to this one!


New members need to have their posts approved by a moderator until they hit 5 posts. After 5 there will be no more restrictions! If you still have your welcome message, there is a link to the moderators if you're in a hurry. :)

Typically the wait time should be less than 24 hours!

This is to help with the spam around the board. Some areas you will need those 5 posts. Only 3 more, keep posting!