

New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had all kinds of posters plastered on the walls of my room when I was a kid, which I would change around a lot, a lot of band posters and movie posters, but some of the permanent fixtures were Uncle Sam above my bed, some chick in a barber chair with the caption, "Close Shave" stuck in one corner, and one of Gloria Estefan on one knee on the door. No Rob Lowe, but The Lost Boys was up there for a few months my freshman year.




I had many posters myself growing up. Now, as I type this, I look around the apartment and the walls are totally bare. I'm not sure why that is. A sampling of mine below:



May be difficult to read. Says "Focus on your goals. Just don't get caught focusing"




New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Queensryche, Iron Maiden & Led Zeppelin posters in my room, and all sorts of stuff out of Hit Parader magazine taped on my book covers and notebook.


Closed Account
Very nice poster of Gloria Estefan, xfire. :yesyes: :drool2: :rubbel:

Hmmm ... I don't think I really had any posters say up through my high school years. I think about the only one coming to mind is vaguely one of a Fender Stratocaster with WINGS! :shock: It was cartoonish ... not a real Strat. I can't even for the life of me remember where I got it from. I don't think it was something you could get at say Spencer Gifts.

But, once I had my 1st apartment, I had posters of Heather Thomas in a pink bikini, Heather Locklear in a red bikini and Lisa Hartman in some lingerie. :D


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I had a cousin that worked at one of the movie theaters that gave me posters from time to time, I remember having a Karate Kid, Ghost Busters, Color of Money, Iron Eagle, to name a few. I don't have posters anymore, though, I've got some pretty nice pieces of art, a couple of Dalhart Windberg's, some George Boutwell, Carmel Foret, and some Japanese Koi paintings. I haven't bought any new art in a while, think I need to do some shopping. I got a Davis Vantage Pro2 weather station for Christmas, that's been a lot of fun, might ask Mrs. Claus for some art for my birfday coming up in a few months.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I had THE Farrah Fawcett poster at my parents' house... but I wasn't allowed to put it up in my room. :(

In college, I had one similar to this, only the girl was wearing a sheer, see-thru lingerie and a bunch of other car posters surrounding a cool-ass Jimi Hendrix poster. To get to know each other, the first week we voted on who had the coolest wall. I won. :yesyes: (Course, I also served free shots of Jack Daniels during the voting)


Are kids still into posters these days?
I got rid of most of mine over the years.. I was going eBay these, and took pics:

I also grabbed old movie / DVD posters, over the years. Entrapment, Elektra, Stepford Wives, Swimming Pool, etc.


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I had Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, Queensryche, Iron Maiden & Led Zeppelin posters in my room, and all sorts of stuff out of Hit Parader magazine taped on my book covers and notebook.

I never knew you were into Metal. What kind of shoes did you attend as a kid? What was your first concert and what was your favorite concert?

I saw Queensryche with Ozzy during the Bark At The Moon tour in 1984. It was right after the Queen Of The Reich EP and The Warning LP. I really like Queensryche during their Metal days.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
I never knew you were into Metal. What kind of shoes did you attend as a kid? What was your first concert and what was your favorite concert?

I saw Queensryche with Ozzy during the Bark At The Moon tour in 1984. It was right after the Queen Of The Reich EP and The Warning LP. I really like Queensryche during their Metal days.

Queensryche opened for Metallica in Dallas, late '88 or early '89 was my first metal concert, gawddamn, what a show, saw both of them at a few Monsters of Rock and Lollapalooza's over the years, caught Godsmack and Metallica at the Toyota Center in Houston in 2004, they were as good in Houston in '04 as they were in Dallas in '89, those are probably my two favorite concerts. There was a metal club on 1960 in Houston that I started going to on weekends my junior year in high school, I caught an assload of bands there, Type O Negative came through a couple of times, Pantera tore that place the fuck up, I saw them in Dallas, too. Pearl Jam, Candlebox and Seaweed came to William R. Johnson coliseum in '93 or '94, that was a pretty lame concert because the crowd sucked, but the bands were great. I almost forgot about Piney Woodstock, doubt if you've heard of a band called Wonderful Life, they're a local band, they were the headliners, they released a couple of CD's, but broke up, that was a great concert, went for three days, I think they finally stopped doing those shows, but they were great while they lasted. I've seen AC/DC, Def Leppard, Motorhead, Dio, Anthrax, Sepultura, Slayer, Megadeth, Opeth, Dream Theater, Tool, and Ozzy, to name a few. It's been a while since my last show, but I used to breathe that shit. Damn, now I'm looking back on a well examined life, I spent a lot of time in theaters and arenas, if it wasn't a concert, it was a film, play, or pro wrestling, I need to get back into that shit.


In my teens most of my posters were sci-fi themed or were stereograms
I never had women, celebrities, musicians, cars, or any other pop culture posters.
Now I have 8 poster sized laminated artworks of alien worlds, earth scenery, and classic art.
I also have a few stored in my closet.


Do not approach, call 911
I still have my posters from high school and university in closet. I've got images for them but too lazy to post.

In high school it was mainly girly posters:
Christie Brinkley, Loni Anderson, Tanya Roberts, Lydia Cornell, girl on beach, girl in pool... you get the idea

In university more esoteric stuff:
Various computer-themed stuff, Escher's "Ascending Descending", Coke can blasting off like a rocket, and others.

Today my man-cave is more sports themed
I still have a lot of the posters I bought years ago in my storage locker. Every 6 months or so I would switch them around but my favorites that I hung up often were posters of Heather Kozar, Karen McDougal, Erica Rose Campbell, an alternate movie poster for The Matrix and a poster of Aaliyah that I bought not too long after she died.
I had THE Farrah Fawcett poster at my parents' house... but I wasn't allowed to put it up in my room. :(

In college, I had one similar to this, only the girl was wearing a sheer, see-thru lingerie and a bunch of other car posters surrounding a cool-ass Jimi Hendrix poster. To get to know each other, the first week we voted on who had the coolest wall. I won. :yesyes: (Course, I also served free shots of Jack Daniels during the voting)


Are kids still into posters these days?

l'd suspect more into mobile phones and social media, Rey.

Posters are soooo old school!


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Invariably, I can avoid you and you make reference to me in threads I'm not even participating in. Until you stop commenting on my threads or referencing me in any way I'm not going to stop trolling you back.
You’ve never been mentioned by name. It’s all in your head. Just like the poster I posted. It is a poster that I have and that I display in my office.

A simple poster, and you’re triggered.