post ur myspaces

Mr Dragon

king of freeones
i like myspace better then facebook so post yalls myspace i think i have the best
Are you seriously 19 dude? You're worried about having the coolest myspace? C'mon!


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
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Ace Bandage

The one and only.

I'm not yet a big enough douche bag to have Myspace or Facebook. I someday aspire to reach that level though.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I still have no idea what the hell Twitter is about, nor should I then. No you have the double vodka I will be in the corner eating wet cigarette butts
I still have no idea what the hell Twitter is about, nor should I then. No you have the double vodka I will be in the corner eating wet cigarette butts

Twitter is absolutely ridiculous. Who gives a shit what people are doing. The same reason I deleted my Facebook and Myspace, I don't give a fuck what people are doing, and I don't want them knowing what the fuck I've been doing with my life. If people cared enough about what I'm doing, they'll call me and ask how I'm doing, and what I've been doing with my life. The people who do that are the real people who care about you. Those people are called friends. I don't see the point in requesting a friendship, via the internet.


Official Checked Star Member
i like facebook better than myspace but that's because my facebook is private and i can keep in touch with my friends that live in florida. i created a facebook for my site but it got deleted after a week. i guees if they wanted me on there they would have called it

i never got twitter when it first came out and i felt the same way...why would i care what ashton is doing evry 5 minutes? but, i started getting alot of requests from fans and members so i started twittering and it kind of grew on me. i like twitter because it's quick and easy but i have no idea why anyone would care what i'm


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Don't have one, and will never get one. Lame.