Pornstars and Anal. What's the obsession ?

Most of the pornstar threads on here are filled with guys saying ' I can't wait for her to do anal ', ' When is she gonna do anal ', ' I wish she'd do anal ! ', etc. I just don't get it. What's the big deal, unless a girl is gettin dp'd I just see it as a waste of a pussy. It seems to be the holy grail to some on here. I'm not poppin at anyone, I'm honestly just curious as to why ?


There are only 4 good places to put your dick in a girl, they all get talked about equally. Minus the hand (Why get a handjob when you can fuck an ass?)

Seems quite logical to me:dunno:


Is somewhere outhere.
It's usually the natural progression after the bj,comes the pussy and then the next level on from that is the butt it's the dirtiest of the 3 :D
it's cuz we wish they are guys.
I have been trying to figure out that question for years. My advice, it highly ironic but it's to just realize that the biggest porn fans often doesn’t make any sense when it comes to sex.

Maybe people like me should just start boycotting the stars who even do it to counteract all the others out there that whine for it. :1orglaugh
There are only 4 good places to put your dick in a girl, they all get talked about equally. Minus the hand (Why get a handjob when you can fuck an ass?)

Seems quite logical to me:dunno:

Pussy, Ass, Mouth.....

What is the other one? :confused:
I've wondered the same thing as the OP. It's not that I don't appreciate anal in movies, especially Silvia Saint or Brianna's just that I don't wait with baited breath for a performer to do anal. It's cool, but I'm not going to run out my house screaming "Finally!" when a hottie gets around to having a monster cock shoved up her tunnel.

I don't see what the big deal is. For me, as long as the girl in the movie is hot, I get my rocks off in a few minutes anyway, and then I move on with my day. I don't really give a shit WHAT she is doing in the movie, as long as there is no cup involved, and she is wicked hot.
Anal is cool. Just not as cool as bj / cumshot in mouth / etc, if you ask me, though.
There's just something about seeing a dick stuffed in the asshole, while her pussy is out there for you to see and enjoy.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
IMO I :dunno: what to tell ya! I personally love 2 see anal, I like anal more than vaginal sex, I can't tell you why, I just think common vaginal sex is so over exposed by the industry having been done since the begining of mainstream porn that anal just makes it more taboo and offers fans and viewers another perspective of being nasty and taboo!

Of course for those that didn't know their are strict policies the starlets have to abide by the night before, and the day of an anal shoot!

it looks nasty of course, but after the girl follows all the necessary guidelines they are expected to prep themselves to have and maintain, the highest hygiene possible to perform an anal scene without it being messy and unplesant sort of speak!

From what I hear 99% of the girls are professional enough to treat those guidelines like a chapter of common sense! cuz the starlet / girl definitely doesn't want to be dirty, be or get embarrassed, and be shamed and or have a bad reputation, so I am sure that 99% of the girls do whats necessary to make it allot cleaner than it looks, in real life it could get repulsive, nasty, cuz they don't do what the starlets do to prepare for an anal experience, but when the proper rules and conditions are followed its not messy or unpleasant @ all!

I only know this cuz I've have asked several starlets about tasting or having fecal reminence or stink involved during the scene's, and they all say, if the proper steps are followed, its not an issue, there ass and anal cavity is totally clean and often smells like mint or other non offensive smells!

Another Anal investigation concluded! :D:rolleyes::rofl2::hatsoff:
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Personally, for me it is a fetish. I can't explain why, but the female ass has this overwhelming attraction for me. Anal sex isn't the only form of this fetish but is a part of it.
I've wondered the same thing as the OP. It's not that I don't appreciate anal in movies, especially Silvia Saint or Brianna's just that I don't wait with baited breath for a performer to do anal. It's cool, but I'm not going to run out my house screaming "Finally!" when a hottie gets around to having a monster cock shoved up her tunnel.

I don't see what the big deal is. For me, as long as the girl in the movie is hot, I get my rocks off in a few minutes anyway, and then I move on with my day. I don't really give a shit WHAT she is doing in the movie, as long as there is no cup involved, and she is wicked hot.

I honestly don't think I could have put it better myself !:thumbsup:
Anal is cool. Just not as cool as bj / cumshot in mouth / etc, if you ask me, though.
There's just something about seeing a dick stuffed in the asshole, while her pussy is out there for you to see and enjoy.

So very true. The pussy being out there does look nice.

I've read that of all straight males who have had anal sex, only one out three or one out of four really end up liking more than the vag. I love the vag, but I am an anal addict. Nikara is one of my favs.

What I don't like in porn are the facials. I would rather have her swallow, cum on her tits, or anal creampie her than see that finish.

And to answer what is the fourth way to have sex with a girl, I am assuming it is titty fucking.
Ummm I thinks its something to do with girls not liking it cause its painful. Usually most men out here have wives/girlfriends/casual buddies who wont let them do it in their ass cause they are uncomfortable with it. So if you see a girl doing anal sex it mean shes bein your ho.... your bitch your perfect slutty pleaser who would do anything to please you. so its a turn on. Thats why men are to obsessed with anal sex.