yes and no. while I believe that a great many of them are "sexually abused" in the way that we typically understand the meaning, there is also a lot of people that have been abused in other ways... but since all abuse effects people in damaging their sense of self, that can extend to their sexuality as well. Do you understand my meaning here?
I think that almost everyone in porn has been damaged in some way, but moreso I think the fact is that mostly everyone has.
I know the statistics, but those are just numbers. what I do know is that pretty much every woman I know has been either sexually or physically (non-sexual) abused, or both. How many people have been emotionally abused? we live in a society that is permeated by violence and even if it doesn't effect us personally, it still effects our outlook of our surroundings. I think that nearly everyone experiences trauma because of this.
I never really thought that I had an abusive life, until I started to feel the bad effects of being a drug addict and having people hate me. Then it occurred to me that there is probably something wrong with me that made my life turn out so fucked up.
I was never physically or sexually abused as kid, but like a great many people through my developing years my father wasn't around. My mom was around and she never listened to me.
I can see now that the reason that all my relationships bombed out was because they totally fit the pattern of an abuse, although I was never violent.
It's something that you never really think about, but if you don't have any models or experience on how a relationship is supposed to work, how can you make one? you think that it's just going to come naturally, but it's not.
I hurt a lot of people, not because I was trying to, but just because I never thought about what I was doing and if it was really the right things or not.