Pornstar "Edelweiss" ??

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ex FreeOnes Team Member
"Good morning! I'm looking for a pornstar who usually work in Italy. Her name is Edelweiss. Can you help me to find some photo galleries?

Thank you!"

Could this be Edelweiss?: Angelica Bella

Any other suggestions??:confused:
Hallo Guys,
I have learn Your messages concern the incredible EdelWeiss, which You identify with pornstar's Angelica Bella. I say, living in Italy, sne's NOT Angelica but a new performer, really on Strip Show, today also in a movie, new realization of a know Home Video Production, but Hes performance is softcore. She appear in various Talk Show in Italy, and in a comedy Movie.

Hes biography: is russian originary, from Siberia, and hes real name is Natasha anything...... (sorry I cannot remember :confused: ) and is 25 or 27 years old.

She have two sites, but I don't tried It because are full of Dialers, and manies, manies fans. And there are a motiv: He really, incredible beauty!!!!! :eek: :rolleyes: :bowdown:

[Please Note: the attachement in this post has been deleted by moderator Famousbabes]
If You want I have tons of pics of She. Not how I wish, but.... are good!:D

You call and I provide!


Ok, I see my attachment was deleted...
But (sorry to the moderator If I violate the Netiquette) I want try again to post other images who showing the most perfect pornstar of the italian show set on the last years

Look at those!



  • edelweiss-budapest.jpg
    20.9 KB · Views: 2,558

[Please Note: the attachement in this post has been deleted by moderator zoechs]



  • edelweiss1.jpg
    64.9 KB · Views: 2,244
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