
*Mind you I did not write this nor am I saying I agree with it I just found it a good read the geek in me anyway. So fill free to discuss.*

Pornography takes human sexuality, with its hope of love, fidelity, family, and fulfillment, and turns it into an empty and lifeless husk. It does this as a predator destroys its prey, by eviscerating sexuality of all its inherent grace. This transmogrification, which some mistake as emancipation, takes place through processes that are neither liberating or enriching, but Depersonalizing, Enslaving, Self-destructive, Preposterous, Alienating, Isolating, Reductionistic. The process can be subtle enough that, for some, it goes unnoticed. But ultimately, the difference between the reality of human sexuality and its residue in pornography is all the difference in the world. It is the difference between what "gift" means in English and what "Gift" (poison) means in German. Indeed, it is the difference between hope and despair, heaven and hell.


Pornography displaces love with lust. The fundamental reason that lust is listed as one of the Seven Deadly Sins is precisely that it gives pleasure primacy over the person. Lust prefers the experience of pleasure to the good of the person. Rather than loving the other, lust prefers to appropriate the other for the self. Such an inversion of proper values is at once unjust to the other who is regarded primarily as an instrument of pleasure, and destructive of the self inasmuch as it undermines his own nature as a loving being.

In his "Theology of the Body," John Paul II states that lust "'depersonalizes' man making him an object 'for the other'. Instead of being 'together with the other' - a subject in unity, in fact, in the sacramental unity 'of the body' - man becomes an object for man: the female for the male and vice versa." With lust, the subjectivity of the person gives way to the objectivity of the body.

In his book, The Case Against Pornography, David Holbrook argues that pornography is connected with the same processes of objectivization that is essential to the Galilean-Newtonian-Cartesian tradition that lowers nature and man "to the status of dead objects". Psychiatrist Leslie Farber and others have described the depersonalizing effects of pornography most vividly by stating that it transfers the fig leaf to the face. Pornography is not interested in the face, through which personality shines, but the objectivized and devitalized body. Pornography represses personality and exalts the depersonalized, despiritualized body.


The process by which one objectivizes the other, results in an objectivization of the self. This is the basis of slavery. "The enslaving of the other," writes Christian existentialist Nikolai Berdyaev, "is also the enslaving of the self." Viewing the other as a depersonalized, despiritualized object is incompatible with communion.

But only through inter-personal communion is one liberated form the world that is enclosed in the material. "By objectivization," Berdyaev goes on to say, "the subject enslaves itself and creates the realm of determinism.

Pornography enslaves by imprisoning people in the material. It also enslaves because it erodes personal freedom. "There are people who want to keep our sex instinct inflamed in order to make money out of us," wrote C. S. Lewis. "Because, of course, a man with an obsession is a man who has very little sales-resistance.

A third way in which pornography enslaves is through chemical addiction. When the pornography addict indulges in his habit, the adrenal gland secretes the chemical epinephrine into the blood stream. According to David Caton, author of Pornogrpahy: The Addiction, epinephrine goes to the brain and assists in locking in the pornographic images. These locked-in images can result in severely changed behavior, including an obsession with pornography that has much in common with chemical addiction.


The depersonalizing and enslaving effects of pornography are inevitably self-destructive. The high rate of suicides among pornography actresses is a graphic indication of this.

The notion of "stripping," especially when applied to the pornographic film, goes far beyond the act of disrobing. It represents the stripping away of inner qualities as well: character, moral values, shame, fundamental decency, restraint. The logical end-point of such pornographic stripping is the complete dissolution of the self. In this regard, pornography leads to sado-masochism and death, as illustrated in the infamous "snuff" films.

Canadian Business magazine reports that "Hard-core Capitalists" stand to make so much money in peddling illegal porn that they are undeterred by the criminal sanctions against it. One producer, that fittingly calls itself Dead Parrot Productions, caters to the appetite for sado-masochism and self-destruction.


Preposterous, as its etymology indicates (prae + posterius) means putting before, that which should come after. Trying to remove your socks before you have taken your shoes off, rather than after, is clearly preposterous. Pornography is preposterous because it puts sex before personhood, lust before love, pleasure before conscience.

When Adam awakened from a deep sleep and looked upon a woman for the first time, he joyously exclaimed: "This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh" (Gn. 2:23). "He rightly understood that his partner was first and foremost a human being, like himself, and secondarily sexual. He did not excl.. "This at last is the opposite sex, a convenient instrument for my sexual gratification." The human relationship comes first; the sexual relationship must be grounded in personal love.

As a result of the Fall, Adam and Eve began to get things backwards. They experienced shame because they suddenly regarded each other first as sex objects and secondarily as persons. They then made aprons of fig leaves to cover themselves. Pornography and pornovision, by placing the part before the whole, sexuality before personality, is preposterous and therefore, in a sense, ludicrous.


The porn world is not without rules. One cardinal rule is that its performers remain safely alienated from their clients. Because pornography is primarily centered on the despiritualized, depersonalized body, alienation is essential to it.

In the telephone sex industry, operators are instructed to advise customers who want to arrange a tryst that "company policy" forbids it. Also, because pornography in its various forms, relies heavily on illusion, it cannot abide the light of realism. The voyeur is obliged to remain an alienated spectator. The tenuous relationship between the voyeur and the exhibitionist evaporates once personality enters the picture. As C. S. Lewis pointed out in his Allegory of Love, lust seeks "for some purely sexual, hence purely imaginary conjunction of an impossible maleness with an impossible femaleness.


Alienation between people leads to the isolation of the self. This isolation of the self from a significant other and from community must not be confused with the right to privacy. Privacy means two things. In the first sense, it is contrasted with what is public. Sexual intimacy between husband and wife is private in this sense. John Paul II has rightly criticized pornography and pornovision for violating this legitimate right to privacy of the body.

On the other hand, privacy can refer to self-isolation, of withdrawing from social encounters. Pornography violates legitimateprivacy and encourages the illegitimate privacy of isolation. It exposes a personal privacy that should be protected, while it promotes an isolated privacy that should be avoided. Consequently, it is highly injurious to marriage and the family, often leaving spouses, particularly husbands, isolated from the rest of their kin.


Pornography reduces the person to a thing. Perhaps a more revealing way of putting it is to say that pornography exchanges a name for a number. Hence its preoccupation with numbers: the size of the organs, the duration of intercourse, the number of partners, the frequency and intensity of orgasm. The so-called "vital statistics" do not denote life as such as much as a person reduced to a thing.

Mechanization, which invariably stamps things with sameness, has a strong affinity with pornography. They are both highly impersonal processes whose language is not of names, but of numbers. Pornography forces the impression upon the imagination that a human being is not an individualized person, but an amalgam of parts. One of the more pernicious consequences of the Freudean reduction of the person to conflicting parts is the willingness to ascribe rights to its most basic part, namely, the id. O. Hobart Mowrer has inveighed against Freudeanism for "championing the rights of the body in opposition to a society and moral order which were presumed to be unduly harsh and arbitrary.

Nonetheless, a human being is not a conflict of parts but a dynamic whole that has a communal nature and a personal destiny.


The porn industry, with its words, images, voices, and videos, is, indeed, a formula for despair. From its very essence springs the need to create the illusion that the body is in fundamental conflict with the unified person. Its unremitting aim is to bring about a condition of utter shamelessness through the gradual annihilation of authentic personality.
totally disagree. there is nothin wrong with people being in touch with their purely carnal side and just wantin to bone down with someone they find purely attractive on a sexual basis. and the fact that we enjoy watchin that is in no way degrading or negative in any way.
heaven and hell.
the Seven Deadly Sins
John Paul II
despiritualized body
Adam and Eve

The few references I could find to the religions that limit the freedom of the individual the most and has the biggest enslaving and demoralising effect.

In other words, look who's talking.
This is just anti-porn propaganda set up by the anti-porn groups to make the dark side of porn bigger then it is so they can get it banned, sure porn does have a dark side but religion does too. Considering that over 95% of the anti-porn groups out there are religious then if I want I can write an article about religion making all the dark side of religion bigger then it already is but hey I have a life, not to mention that there are so many threads on here about religion both the plus side and the dark side of it.
These guys are not just anti-porn but anti-sex too since they want to make pre-marital sex illegal, contraceptives illegal, casual sex illegal, paying for sex illegal (I will never pay for sex but it does have the right to exists as long as the person is the legal age and doing it on their own free will), strip and lap dancing clubs illegal, sex toys illegal and homosexuality and bisexuality illegal (when are these morons going to realise that it has been proven that homosexuality and bisexuality are a natural thing since one it has been observed in animals and two it is determined in the womb during pregnancy). Bottom line is these guys are anti-sex (and anti freedom too in a way), sex is about what you feel and about choice, whether or not you feel these things and want to do these things then it’s up to you, just play it safe.
Of course not all religious people are anti-sex or anti-porn since the only people who are against it are religious fundamentalists, traditionalists, extremists and even some religious moderates. The religious people who either like porn or not but thinks it should be a choice for people to look at are people with liberal views towards sex, people who are non-practising and the other type of religious moderates.
As soon as I got to the part where it spoke about the "seven deadly sins" I stopped.

Your going to start quoting that crap, I'm not listening to you anymore, because if I do all I'm going to hear is that ramblings of a crazy person, who has no base in modern society, and I dont really get how these people have the balls to spout this bullshit, the amount of abuse cases thats have come out of the Catholic church alone could lead anyone to write a book about the evils of the Catholic church and how eveyone should stay away from it.

So to try to tell us that pornography can ruin your life is laughable.
Thanks folks I just found it a nice read I don,t agree with it, myself just thought I would share we all know religion is a crutch for some people.


knows petras secret: she farted.
yikes. i should write an essay like that about how wrestling sucks and post it in one of the 4000 threads about it. ill start now. brb!
I don't know how they (conservative, right wing "Christians") can even look at themselves without feeling the same sense of shame and indecency that they feel we ALL should wallow in on a daily basis. It's preposterous. They seem to run along holding hands with hypocrisy, and either don't notice, or don't care because they are soooooo right, and all of us non-believers are soooooo wrong.

Funny, and true, little story for all of you.

I don't live far from Colorado Springs, the conservative capital of the the state. Focus On The Family and other bullshit organizations call this place home. Needless to say, it is where many of the ultra conservative gather to hold seminars, meetings, etc., and do whatever it is that the freaks do when they gather in large groups. I like to think the meetings are actually full of ritualistic sacrifices and offerings made to their boogeyman. Anyhow......

A friend of mine is a professional (I won't divulge what field....anonymity and all), who has many, many clients from different walks of life. One such client and my friend were discussing one day the yahoos that had swept into town with their banter and nonsense about morals, ethics, how the country was falling down the tubes because of violet video games, etc. etc. So, the client of my friend, and the client's boyfriend decided to find out what the nazi's viewing habits were at the hotel they were residing in.

They hacked into the hotel's system, and were able to see exactly what movies were being watched by whom and at what time.

You know what they found?

It would seem that when these sheep mosey into town spouting off with their holier than thou rhetoric, nothing eases the stress from a long day of saving souls better than pay per view porn, of course one of the very things they claim as the work of the devil.

It gets better.

This client and her boyfriend were not only able to discover that the porn rentals tend to skyrocket when said conservatives blow into town with their white robes and trumpets, but by looking at the titles of the movies in question, they also discerned that the films were more often than not homosexual in nature.

"It would seem my hypocrisy knows no bounds." - Doc Holiday

I actually don't mind the fiends too much. They are usually good for a laugh. I am not forced to listen to their bullshit and ridiculous ramblings and lies. What does concern me a little is the amount of clout and money the have available to them. They, I fear, are not going anywhere any time soon.
This is just anti-porn propaganda set up by the anti-porn groups to make the dark side of porn bigger then it is so they can get it banned, sure porn does have a dark side but religion does too. Considering that over 95% of the anti-porn groups out there are religious then if I want I can write an article about religion making all the dark side of religion bigger then it already is but hey I have a life, not to mention that there are so many threads on here about religion both the plus side and the dark side of it.
These guys are not just anti-porn but anti-sex too since they want to make pre-marital sex illegal, contraceptives illegal, casual sex illegal, paying for sex illegal (I will never pay for sex but it does have the right to exists as long as the person is the legal age and doing it on their own free will), strip and lap dancing clubs illegal, sex toys illegal and homosexuality and bisexuality illegal (when are these morons going to realise that it has been proven that homosexuality and bisexuality are a natural thing since one it has been observed in animals and two it is determined in the womb during pregnancy). Bottom line is these guys are anti-sex (and anti freedom too in a way), sex is about what you feel and about choice, whether or not you feel these things and want to do these things then it’s up to you, just play it safe.
Of course not all religious people are anti-sex or anti-porn since the only people who are against it are religious fundamentalists, traditionalists, extremists and even some religious moderates. The religious people who either like porn or not but thinks it should be a choice for people to look at are people with liberal views towards sex, people who are non-practising and the other type of religious moderates.

I didnt even finish reading the OPs post but I do Agree with this