In High Society magazine, they always have a section devoted to girls being fucked by dildo-machines. It's not sexy, just disturbing.
Some people find "disturbing" sexy. I for one kind of enjoy the dildo machines. it's better in video than in pictures obviously.
I will admit, my mind is a bit less than sound.
People like things for reasons they can't even explain. I don't like the fat women thing at all, but I don't for one second question someone who's just what does it for them. The whole old dude fucking an 18 year old thing actually kind of creeps me out, but I can certainly understand why some people like it....especially old dudes.
now I pose a question? What's more disturbing, a natural woman (We'll take Jade Hsu, I know she's done it) getting it from a dildo machine, or a woman who pumps her chest, ass and lips full of plastic only to wrap it around some 90 year old pekker?
I personally would rather watch the machine. But as I said before, I'm a little disturbed myself.
Anyone else notice that the dude in the linked pics jacked off ontop of the plumpers head
This phrase, AND the word "Plumper" make me giggle.