Porn Image Section

Could oyu have a section on the forum devoted to images.. like the video section.. but images :tongue:
That's pretty much what the Find your favorite babe section is for. People post gallery links of models, or of a particular fetish or position or such things.
Some forums post thumbnailed pictures, we only post links. Is that what you were talking about?
I assume the rule is to not overload the forum with too much data.
That's pretty much what the Find your favorite babe section is for. People post gallery links of models, or of a particular fetish or position or such things.

Although in the Find your favorite babe section, people post an equal amount of links to videos and pictures. It might not be such a bad idea.
Although in the Find your favorite babe section, people post an equal amount of links to videos and pictures. It might not be such a bad idea.
But that's really to be expected in the various threads of certain models. People add the pictures as well as the sample videos they find.
If people want pictures of a specific fetish then they can start a thread in the FYFB section. If they want specific video samples then they can start a thread in the Watch that Video section, and if they just want a lot of links of their favorite models, they can search whatever threads are in the FYFB section.


The Video section has been completely misunderstood. It was intended to be a forum for help about playing videos and video related questions, not to post links to videos at all.
20,000 posts? I might reach that in another 15 years or so. I actually find it difficult in the FYFB section sometimes to get away from all the sample vid links. I'd rather look at the pics anyway, as 10 second to 1 minute clips really don't do much for me.

I'd be in favor of a section where it was pics-only. But then, I'm tired and on more vallium for my shoulders, so I'll probably start posting weird things again tonight.
