Do you think that these girls might be confusing certain companies to a charity foundation, because those kind of sites give away free porn to people who are in desperate need of sexual relief?
Taking infamous internet piracy arguments. How many girls would give an interview to people wearing a shirts of these kind of pages? Would you see immoral to claim to fight against these kind of practices, but at the same time participate and help promoting these kind of services? How much money would you expect them to pay for you to give an interview for people wearing these kind of clothes? Would you be afraid of not getting work in the future if you participated in this kind of practice or would you be afraid of not getting work in the future if you did not participate, taking that big bad porn guys own many of these kind of pages? How many options do girls really have?
Do you think that a porn girl who posts a links to these kind of pages in her twitter timeline by herself, has personally approved of watching her content free and openly supports free pornography? Where do you see direction going in the future of porn?