So anyway, gonna watch some porn with my girlfriend and I need some suggestions as to what.
If you can't find clips, I dont mind if you just post a movie title and why!
Guy with good body and a big cock
Girl WITHOUT a huge obvious boob job
- She has a fantasy about being used as a sex slave or a high class prostitute (but please, nothing abusive / cruelty)
- Black men, or even better a mix of black and white guys.
And come on, please none of that 'girls like soft focus' bullshit.
The person whose I pick I will personally PM you after and tell you how she liked it!
If you can't find clips, I dont mind if you just post a movie title and why!
Guy with good body and a big cock
Girl WITHOUT a huge obvious boob job
- She has a fantasy about being used as a sex slave or a high class prostitute (but please, nothing abusive / cruelty)
- Black men, or even better a mix of black and white guys.
And come on, please none of that 'girls like soft focus' bullshit.
The person whose I pick I will personally PM you after and tell you how she liked it!