porn addicts- help me out plz!

my bookmarks were accidentally erased, amongst them were a few links to adult bit ******* sites.

i've forgotten the names of them so if any of you guys could list which ones you visit, i'd greatly appreciate it

That's pretty much all I use. If you know any other good ones, let me know!
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Do not post links to torrents, emule/edonkey, K-a-z-a-a, or any other sites for downloading copyrighted material.
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probably not a great idea to talk about bit ******* sites on here...I've learnt from experience:uohs:
degenerate_Jeb said:
probably not a great idea to talk about bit ******* sites on here...I've learnt from experience:uohs:
Aww crap... maybe I should've read the terms of agreement eh?