Police kill Freddie Gray

Will E Worm

Innocent Man Dies After Baltimore Cops Break His Spine In Brutal Police Beating

A man who was severely injured*during an arrest by the Baltimore police just died today.
News of his death comes after police brutally beat him, sending him to the hospital with a broken spine, according to the*local Baltimore Sun.

Freddie Gray, 27, underwent a double surgery to desperately try to fix three broken vertebrae as well as a destroyed voice box on Tuesday.
Even after doctors did their very best to save him, he was in bad shape. He died today after remaining in a coma.

We have repeatedly asked police what he was even being arrested for in the first place.
They have stood by the description of the arrest for an “undisclosed violation.”

They claim that officers restrained him on the ground, and he “appeared to be fine” when they took him in.

But a cell phone video of the arrest shows a very different situation, one where the arresting officers brutally beat him, causing obvious, grave injury to what appears to be an innocent man.
Bearing in mind that the American legal system holds Gray “innocent until proven guilty,” it is no exaggeration to say that until officers proved their case in court, Gray remained innocent until the day he died.

With that in mind, it should further emphasize just how dubious the police refusal to even say what he was being accused of actually is.
A beating for an “undisclosed violation” is not going to cut it. The community is demanding answers, but the police are stonewalling us, once again.

Now, protests are breaking out in Gray’s neighborhood.

“What happened to Freddie was unnecessary and uncalled for,” Rev. Jamal Harrison Bryant of the Empowerment Temple said at one of those rallies.
“All of those police officers involved need to be held accountable and answer for what they did, and need to be terminated from their positions,” he added.

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When will harsh penalties for police be enacted to stop this?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Will's been at the bath salts again. Innocent until proven guilty generally runs both ways, but I'd say there's something shitty happening in Baltimore. This sounds like something that would happen in Tijuana or fucking Tehran. Or Chicago.

Will E Worm

Justice Dept. opens Baltimore police probe; hundreds protest

Hundreds of people are marching in Baltimore after a black man who was arrested died when he suffered a fatal spinal-cord injury under mysterious circumstances.

The demonstrators held signs Tuesday that said "Black Lives Matter" and "No Justice, No Peace" as they marched from the spot where Freddie Gray was arrested to a nearby police station, just a couple of blocks away.

The rally took place about an hour after the Justice Department said it has opened a civil rights investigation into Gray's death.

Gray was taken into custody April 12 after police "made eye contact" with him and another man in an area known for drug activity. He died Sunday.


Will E Worm

Baltimore on edge after arrestee's fatal spine injury

BALTIMORE (AP) — Baltimore's top police officials, mayor and prosecutor sought to calm a "community on edge" Monday while investigating how a man suffered a fatal spine injury while under arrest. Six officers have been suspended, but investigators say they still don't know how it happened.

A week after Freddie Gray was pulled off the street and into a police van, authorities don't have any videos or other evidence explaining what happened to cause the "medical emergency" an arresting officer said Gray suffered while being taken to the local police station, Deputy Commissioner Jerry Rodriguez said.

The Gray family's lawyer, Billy Murphy, had said that Gray's "spine was 80 percent severed at his neck."

Autopsy results returned Monday show that Gray "did suffer a significant spinal injury that led to his death," Rodriguez said. "What we don't know is how he suffered that injury."

Police also released a more detailed timeline of how Gray was arrested and transported on April 12. It revealed that Gray was placed in leg irons after an officer felt he was becoming "irate," and that the van stopped on its way to the police station, even picking up another prisoner in an unrelated case, while Gray repeatedly asked for medical attention.

Police Commissioner Anthony Batts said that Gray asked first for an inhaler, and then several times during his transport for medical care.

"There were several times he made a medical request," Batts said. "He asked for an inhaler, and at one or two of the stops it was noticed that he was having trouble breathing and we probably should have asked for paramedics."

Something must have happened between the time Gray was videotaped by a bystander being dragged into the van, and the time he arrived at the station in deep distress, the deputy commissioner said.

"When Mr. Gray was put in that van, he could talk, he was upset. And when he was taken out of that van, he could not talk and he could not breathe," Rodriguez said.

Batts also said it is still unclear why Gray was stopped in the first place, saying only that officers "made eye contact" with Gray and another man, and the two took off running.

"That's part of the question we have to dig into," Batts said, "if there's more than just running. There is no law against running."

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake said she too is "angry that we are here again" after trying to overcome decades of distrust between police and citizens in Baltimore's inner city.

"Our community is experiencing a great deal of trauma," Rawlings-Blake said. "This is a very, very tense time for Baltimore City."

Batts said he is ordering that police review and rewrite "effective immediately" its policies on moving prisoners and providing them with medical attention.

"We are a community on edge right now. We hear, I hear, the outrage. I hear the concern and I hear the fear," Batts said, asking for calm. "We are on edge as a city, and I need your help to make sure we get this out in the proper way."

But Billy Murphy, an attorney representing Gray's family, said Monday that the news conference left him with more questions than answers.

"They were vague about how his spine was injured. We'll have to wait to see the autopsy that they admitted they worked closely with the medical examiner's office to develop," Murphy said. "So tell us what it says. I have even more questions than I did before. Who did it? How did they do it and why did they do it? Why all these stops? What were the police doing during those stops? What did they see?"

All six officers involved have been suspended, said Rodriguez, who is in charge of the department's professional standards and accountability.

Officer Garrett Miller's official request for a criminal charge against Gray, a 25-year-old black man who was only 5-foot-8 inches tall and 145 pounds, said that he had been arrested "without force or incident."

Miller sought a charge of carrying a switchblade, punishable by a year in prison and a $500 fine, according to court records obtained Monday by The Associated Press.

Miller's charging document doesn't provide any explanations for the injuries that would lead to Gray's death a week later. He wrote only that while being taken to the station, on April 12, "the defendant suffered a medical emergency and was immediately transported to Shock Trauma via medic."
Another 30 minutes passed before police finally called an ambulance to pick Gray up at the station. He arrived at the hospital in critical condition and died on Sunday after a weeklong coma.

The documents, which misspell Gray's name as "Grey," were first reported Monday by The Baltimore Sun. Police had not previously mentioned a knife, or publicly disclosed the charge against Gray.

Miller's signed report says he personally recovered the knife from Gray's pocket. It names five other officers to be summoned as witnesses in court, and says Gray was stopped after a brief foot chase because he "fled unprovoked upon noticing police presence."

"We have no confidence that the city or the police department is going to fairly and objectively investigate this case," Murphy said.

Activists protesting excessive use of force and even Baltimore city officials say they have more questions than answers. About 50 people marched from City Hall to police headquarters Monday, carrying signs reading "Black lives matter" and "Jobs, not police killings." They unfurled a yellow banner reading "Stop police terror."

"This is just one of the most egregious cases I've ever seen," said Colleen Davidson of the Baltimore People's Power Assembly, which she said organized the rally at the request of Gray's family. "We felt the need to be out here and make it known that we will not stand and watch things like this happen."

Rodriguez said his investigators will hand everything they find over to the office of State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby by May 1. She too appealed Monday for anyone with information to contact her office.

"I can assure the public that my office has dedicated all its existing resources to independently investigate this matter to determine whether criminal charges will be brought," Mosby said.


Autopsy results returned Monday show that Gray "did suffer a significant spinal injury that led to his death," Rodriguez said. "What we don't know is how he suffered that injury."

They don't? :facepalm:

Six police beat him, that's how.

Will they burn the station down?
If they beat him, it will show up in an autopsy. No one there said they where beating him in the neck. I think they tackled/pushed him backwards into that brick wall and hit his neck.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If they beat him, it will show up in an autopsy. No one there said they where beating him in the neck. I think they tackled/pushed him backwards into that brick wall and hit his neck.

From what source do you glean this startling revelation? Is this just you guessing what happened? :dunno:
From what source do you glean this startling revelation? Is this just you guessing what happened? :dunno:
What source said they beat him? They are just assuming that to!

A medical expert said that a knee to the neck couldn't have done that much damage. So an autopsy SHOULD be able to tell a single blow from 5-6 nite sticks hits.

Why can't I have a FUCKING OPINION Jagger? Everyone else here does! I'm surprised by your comments lately, you use to be a voice of reason here.
I get it. Police deal with shitbirds daily and that makes you cynical and I'm sure the stress builds up over time. But this is getting fucking ridiculous. Don't they realize that everyone has cameras now and is looking to jam them up? Its like a teenager with a camera on their phone. They can't help but take pictures of themselves naked and send them to people knowing they will be humiliated publicly and shamed. The issue is that cops have been beating on people or "tuning them up" as the cop phrase goes for a long time and it's part of the routine. Now they are getting caught doing it. I'm all for doing what it takes to get information from some piece of shit if it saves lives. I don't give a fuck about that. But choking someone to death for selling cigarettes? Shooting someone in the back who's running from you? It all goes back to Rodney King. Those cops beat the fuck out of him, it was caught on camera and they still walked. I lived in Simi Valley at the time of that trial and everyone there knew it was going to end that way. Simi is mostly white and very conservative, not exactly the peer group of a black guy who ran from the cops.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol

A Georgetown law professor has filed disbarment charges against Marilyn Mosby for her corrupt prosecution of six Baltimore cops in the death of career criminal, Freddie Gray. There have now been 3 trials and Mosby hasn’t come close to winning one yet and has even been excoriated for withholding exculpatory evidence. The list of charges against Mosby are as follows:

- that she did not have probably cause to believe that there was sufficient admissible evidence to support a conviction of the officers;
- that she made public statements regarding the case which were false;
- that she improperly withheld evidence from the defense that was exculpatory;
- that she continued to prosecute cases after the judge assigned to hear the cases found insufficient evidence to support a conviction;
-that she engaged in conduct that was dishonest, fraudulent, deceitful and which misrepresented the facts in the case.

I just wish someone else would have the courage to state that she also looks like one of the Wayans brothers in their "White Chicks" makeup.