playmate tiffany taylor is married to this freak!

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look at him! do he deserve to fuck a chick like tiffany taylor everynight.....
he's owner of a online game called 'toheros'...lucky bastard!



Plenty of plain ordinary men marry beautiful women. Plenty of plain ordinary women marry handsome men.

Love is blind.

What difference does it make? :) :hatsoff:
its cool guys, gives hope to ugly guys aroudn the world
I fail to see what is freakish about him or their marriage.

What IS clear to me is your name certainly fits you. You just need to change the spelling to RUDE.
tiffany taylor's real name is MELLISS.....
and she's married to 'vesuves"owner of the online community...
visit the site below u'll get every information on both em...
they are married before she started posing for in that respect i feel its love other than any thing else... but my concern was why she is using her fake name on the net and her fake bioghraphy aswell...
here is the post her husband 'Vesuvius' wrote in his offical site forum n it says:

Consis! Meliss made at most $80,000 for her work in Playboy in the past 5 years. That has gone to her tuition in medical school. All the money that supports her now, buys the house we have, is from my Dentistry, and Internet jobs.

All the nudes Melissa has done has been in good taste, and I'm definitely not ashamed by it, in fact I have always been for it. I've never considered it 'porn'. Too bad melissa does not check this board anymore to reply to it herself.

Lookee here, its 2:34 am, and I'm not playing games, but working online. Then I'll be up at 7:00am, to the Dental office.

I work like a madman now, with the hope that in a few years, I can literally 'retire'.

ps. If anyone wanted to know why she chose the name 'tiffany taylor', it was to spite her mom, who collects some antique dolls that are called 'tiffany taylor' dolls. Obviously her mom wasn't too happy with the choice of name.


Again ... your point??? Dude, you seem to have a somewhat, uh, UNHEALTHY OBSESSION with Tiffany Taylor.

Who the fuck cares if she married some rich homely dude??? HER CHOICE.

Who the fuck cares if she changed her fucking name??? HER CHOICE.

Who the fuck cares if she's sponging off of ol' dude??? HER CHOICE AND HIS CHOICE.

Tell me how it affects YOU personally and I'd be more willing to entertain this crap. Otherwise ... it happens every goddamned day in real fucking life.

Move on. Let it go.
in this country we count on marines getting the job done. send in the marines, and we have a serious shot at winning. axxxc, marine, i commend you. there is nothing more to say on this matter. :glugglug:
I fail to see what is so freakish about him. :dunno: He looks like a normal person to me. She could have done worse. In any case there isn't a unlimited supply of people out there that have the physique of a bodybuilder, billions of dollars, the skill set and charm of James Bond, the artistic ability of Rembrandt, the endurance of a Olympic track runner, and have super-genius intelligence all at the same time just so there is somebody out there you feel is worthy of being with an attractive woman, because you feel normal people aren't good enough.
What is wrong with this?

If anything, the greater difference in looks is with X-Tina and her husband, but even then, I'm not angered.

Just extremely jealous. :p
The 1st one and 3rd are Photoshoped...I remembered seeing them at the fobpro site, so here they are, sorry dude!!!...(the 2nd one it's an obvious Photoshop)
http://1.***************/ii/0/5/3/5/5/0535546004f6654.JPGflipped around

So, that makes me think the last two are PSed also...or the only real ones that she posed for a fan...what are you trying to do with posting these pics?

so, Is that you in the pictures? :wave:


Again ... your point??? Dude, you seem to have a somewhat, uh, UNHEALTHY OBSESSION with Tiffany Taylor.

Who the fuck cares if she married some rich homely dude??? HER CHOICE.

Who the fuck cares if she changed her fucking name??? HER CHOICE.

Who the fuck cares if she's sponging off of ol' dude??? HER CHOICE AND HIS CHOICE.

Tell me how it affects YOU personally and I'd be more willing to entertain this crap. Otherwise ... it happens every goddamned day in real fucking life.

Move on. Let it go.

Come on people. So the guy has a crush on a woman that he now realizes he can no longer have? I see absolutely nothing wrong with that. It's not terribly healthy, but so what? It's harmless.
People are getting on this guy's (I assume he is a guy) case for being SO jealous and that he should drop it. Well obviously he is jealous. And so were you all when you found out the last person you had a crush on was taken. It's innocent (I assume) and harmless. And if posting his thoughts on here makes him feel better - then go ahead pal. It's healthy to express your feelings. This guy just (I assume) did that and all many of you can do is knock him for it.
Besides, why do you all care so much?
He isn't talking about stalking her. He is just sorry a woman he desired is gone.
Let the guy have his opinions. They aren't hurting anyone.

And to the original poster ruud van nistel - I would think you would be pleased that you think this guy isn't deserving of her. That means that a woman that you think (I assume) is gorgeous isn't overly superficial visually. Meaning, she doesn't just date equally gorgeous guys. I find that (as a non gorgeous guy) encouraging.
Frankly, I would far rather she dated a nice looking though not gorgeous guy like this then a pure beefcake. Now that would be more depressing.
So when this guy blows it and has an affair with his secretary and she finds out and kicks him out; that means I still have a chance (though the small problem of not being rich IS an obstacle - lol). But if he were as gorgeous as she; then my chances would forever be zip.
I actually find the news encouraging.
It's like when I found out that Francine Dee had been dating this (imo) rather average looking - though rich - guy for a few years. I found that as very encouraging (in a not serious kind of way). I have had a thing for her for years. But I assumed that she only dated equally gorgeous guys. But when I saw a picture of him, I felt much better.
Because if she can settle for average looking guys, then so can others.
This is good news. In a tongue in cheek kind of way.

So, my point is; would you really rather he was drop dead gorgeous?


Oh sure... but what's with the photoshopped pics?


Oh I see. Why didn't I notice that? I am usually more distrustful. I must be slipping.

Well crap...that blows my whole thought process to hell (except the getting on the guy's case part) - lol.

I gotta learn to read ALL the posts in a thread before responding.

Oh well, there's always Francine Dee..if I can just get rich...
Oh I see. Why didn't I notice that? I am usually more distrustful. I must be slipping.

Well crap...that blows my whole thought process to hell (except the getting on the guy's case part) - lol.

I gotta learn to read ALL the posts in a thread before responding.

Oh well, there's always Francine Dee..if I can just get rich...

And good luck to ye on that one! :thumbsup: Any plans for how to do that rich thing? If you figure it out, I have plans for Erica Campbell and I. But I swear, I'm not psychotic....


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