Plasma TV's

I'd like to get some opinions please.

I was interested in a 50" Philips HD TV, after seeing a deal for it recently. I'm finding very little about it on the internet, but have found different model #'s with somewhat poor reviews in Consumer Reports, etc. On one forum, there were mixed opinions and a constant reference to hazy picture.

Someone else recommended a Panasonic and two of their 50" were top rated.

Does anyone have any opinion?


Without knowing so many about your question,
it is sure that PHILIPS is distinguished for excellent TVs
and especially for CRT ones!!!
I general all products of Philips keep a great value for money rate!

Referring to PLASMA TVs, Panasonic is great.
Some models of Pioneer are perfect as well, especially the more expensive ones.

I hope you make the best choice!!!
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At the moment, plasma TV's are cheap, because they have been superceded by LCD technology. If you want a TV for yourself and not too many other people, a plasma could be good, but if you want to watch football with 15 buddies it may not be for you, the primary reason being the viewing angle. Plasma has a very narrow viewing angle, which means that if you are off to the side a bit you can't see anything, but they're fine if you're directly in front. LCD's have a much wider viewing angle and arguably better picture quality. If you're prepared to live with the narrow viewing angle, then you can pick up some good bargains on plasma TV's, as every store is trying to get rid of them. :2 cents:
Iv recently boughy a Sony Bravia E-Series Hi-Def TV and iv gotta say, i really like it, its got outstanding picture quality, and i recommend it to anyone who is thinking of getting one.
Don't bother with Sony. Panasonic are solid items, as are Hitachi and Toshibia. LG is also another option you can consider.

But, at the time, You Might as well pick up a DLP Projector and a screen for about the same cost if you have room to install it. I just dumped about 2500 CDN on a set up. But thats not counting speakers and such.
I had a Toshiba 50", that didn't last 3 years. Another Toshiba I bought 15 years ago only lasted 5 years.

I saw a nice LCD today, a 32" Sony Series-S, Bravia. Very nice, sharp clean picture. JVC has a new type HD-ILA in a 56" projection that looked great. An Akai plasma also looked good and a Visio LCD, but they're less then 50". The Philips TV I went to look at didn't turn me on at all when I saw it in person.
Right now Pioneer are widely regarded as making the best plasma tvs. Panasonic are very good too. A lot of brands share manufacturing plants. Hitachi and NEC have the same screens. LG makes screens for other companies too. The best judge of TV is you. Go to the store and compare. There has been talk of how long plasma TVs last. LCD TVs offer a brighter picture but plasmas have better contrast. Personally, I prefer LCD, as it appears more vivid and cinema-like. Plus, they're not prone to screen burn - like plasmas. LCDs have a slightly less wide viewing angle than plasma - I one of the previous posters must have accidently got LCD and plasma mixed up.
Stick with Sony!!! their gettin their ass kicked in the video game market and portable music market so theyre probably going full steam on plasmas! Sony VVEGAS are really nice!!!
The LCD's I saw, particularly Sony were incredible. I might just go back to my old small TV and wait a while to see if screens get bigger and prices go down. $2,000 was about my limit now, I saw that 40" Sony LCD in a NY store for $1650 or so, no tax but shipping.
Yeah, LCDs seem much more life life. Plasma images seem very 2D (i know they are) but LCDs look like you could almost put you hand into the picture. The prices are dropping quite quickly. I'd wait a bit longer. Plus, check that there's 2 HDMI inputs, so you can connect a HD decoder and say an XBox 360 or a compatible DVD player. A lot of the sets only have one input. Pioneer and Toshiba seem to be more sensible on this issue.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Check contrast levels. HD resolution availability. (Although honestly very few HD-ready sets dont support the oft-used 720 and 1080 res's) Check the number of 'dead pixels'. Plasma TV's run hot, use a good bit of power, weigh a ton and the pixels that die will eventuallybe.. or already are... easily noticed.

Still, everybody is right. A decent projector (not projection TV.. BLECH!) can really bring the experience home. If you do so, make sure you get a popular but high quality model so when some of the hardware, bulb, whatever .. dies.. you can just find another 5$ replacement part on eBay. :)
(Where's Tilly?)

That Sony 32" LCD sparkled. Razor sharp Discovery HD channel ad with a sample of shows. One was India, a brilliant gold building across the river and you know how everyone wears those ornate outfits with tiny little detailed patterns. It was like you could see every speck at a distance. Like looking out of a window on a sunny day. I think LCD will take over, longer life and lower power consumption. The small Visio wasn't bad either and better then the Visio 37"

Normally I check to make sure everything, color, contrast, sharpness, brightness are about on the middle of the scale. Then I take the color saturation down to 0 to make sure I get a solid black and a good clean white in a grey scale. I don't want anything with the contrast set on max just to get it to look good.

I noticed some LCD's had a setting for backlight, and if I recall, others did not?
I'm starting to look at LCD's now, even smaller one's. It's seems that's the way the technology is going.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Tilly.. if only she was in my bed. So whatdja choose?
Oh, still looking. It will take a while. Just looked at Sam's Club nearby and got some ideas;

I saw a fantastic new DLP? 56" JVC w/stand, (HD-ILA) but don't like the idea of changing those bulbs. $2200

Same specs, but this one didn't do it for me;

Akai has really nice LCD's, 37" for $1300, (model with an unnecessary DVD) and a nice 42" plasma for about $1500. A new 42" LCD wasn't there.

Best thing still seems to be that Sony LCD, 32" is $1450, the 40" is $2200.

There was also an Epson projector for $1000, but the room is never dark.