A comic company made a comic entitled, "Pirates vs. Ninjas, then in part two they brought in the Vikings. Who would win?
Pirates, Ninjas, or Vikings...?
Pirates vs Ninjas and Pirates Vs. Ninjas II: Up The Ante (Vikings)
Combat one on one. I would say Ninja cause they are trained fighters, but I would much rather be a viking. Ninjas were thieves, and Pirates were thieves and rapist.
Combat one on one. I would say Ninja cause they are trained fighters, but I would much rather be a viking. Ninjas were thieves, and Pirates were thieves and rapist.
In a real conflict I would say the Ninjas, because they are trained the best.
(Of course, if it would be a naval battle, the Pirates would prevail etc)
Btw: A sexy female Ninja with an eye patch and the fierceness of a Viking?
pirates have guns and cannons, if it's a open battle fight they win. if ninjas attack at night like they should then they win, and i just do not see vikings over coming the guns and cannons of the pirates. really only three votes for them, man i guess books and history is just lost. so sad now