Pirate Scum Defeated


3 hostage-takers are shot, ending the standoff in the waters off Somalia, the Navy says. Capt. Richard Phillips, taken captive Wednesday, was unharmed.

By Josh Meyer and Robyn Dixon
April 13, 2009

Reporting from Washington and Mombasa, Kenya -- U.S. Navy forces today freed an American sea captain being held by pirates off the coast of Somalia, killing three pirates and taking a fourth into custody in the process, the Pentagon confirmed. The captain was unharmed in the rescue.

"It's outstanding news," Adm. Greg Smith of Central Command said. "We got the captain back, which is the outcome we wanted to see happen, his safe and secure return."



* Only mistake - Taking one into custody.
The lone surviving pirate will probably lawyer up and take it to the Hague . . :rolleyes:


Closed Account
* Only mistake - Taking one into custody.
The lone surviving pirate will probably lawyer up and take it to the Hague . . :rolleyes:

I don't understand the relationship between this 16 year old (obvious these guys weren't professinal pirates)captured & the rest of the pirates yet ,but I am certain that the kid has very valuable intelligence that could help them find more of these guys.:dunno: & kill them.


I don't understand the relationship between this 16 year old
Wasn't he the negotiator guy that became our prisoner once the snipers killed the three on the auxiliary / rescue boat ?
(obvious these guys weren't professinal pirates)
Somalia is fairly rogue in nature as it is.

. . I am certain that the kid has very valuable intelligence that could help them find more of these guys

I thought of that at first, but can you imagine the nuttiness that will follow with all of the ambitious attorneys willing to defend said 16 year old "youth's" "civil rights" ? :rolleyes:
This kid has got it made in the shade ! The book deals are now coming in . . . the NAACP will claim that the killing of the hostage takers was racially motivated . . . and on and on, ad nauseam.

Oh, and the proper application / interpretation" of international maritime law . . . :pukey:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
His hague defense probably won't work, he took a US ship hostage in international waters.
I am pretty sure he is fucked.
Hang em high.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Hang him? Hack his ass up for chum with a machete, the official weapon of choice by scumbags all over that continent


If the navy keeps fucking them up, we may see the end of this pretty soon.

Soon? Not likely...remember, very few situations are homogeneous. There are Somali pirates...and there are Somali pirates.
Most of the really bad actors are ex-military...and know how to survive. They have a shitload of capital as well, and can hire on really bad guys to train the best and plan new captures using good intelligence.
I forsee some more European ships targeted before they leave their home ports...
This ain't over 'til the fat Somali whore sings.:D
I'm curious as to where the resources these pirates use come from, mainly the transportation.
^^^Well when they're stealing millions worth of stuff Im sure there is somebody who will give resources to pirate scum at a price. When I saw the headline that US Navy snipers killed 3 pirates and the hostage was freed, gave me a smile for some deserving good news. Now the crazy Somalians want to retaliate? Do I see a country being obliterated in the distant future?
^^^Well when they're stealing millions worth of stuff Im sure there is somebody who will give resources to pirate scum at a price. When I saw the headline that US Navy snipers killed 3 pirates and the hostage was freed, gave me a smile for some deserving good news. Now the crazy Somalians want to retaliate? Do I see a country being obliterated in the distant future?

I see what you're saying, I just would've thought exchanges of say sea vehicles would be more obvious.

According to the article, the government was very pleased with the outcome, as were most of the Somali people. It's just the small group of extremists who weren't.


Closed Account
Soon? Not likely...remember, very few situations are homogeneous. There are Somali pirates...and there are Somali pirates.
Most of the really bad actors are ex-military...and know how to survive. They have a shitload of capital as well, and can hire on really bad guys to train the best and plan new captures using good intelligence.
I forsee some more European ships targeted before they leave their home ports...
This ain't over 'til the fat Somali whore sings.:D

These guys are estimated to have made $150 million dollars last year alone.:eek: The Mafia is envious of these guys. A few deaths aren't going to deter these guys & will only make them adjust their tactics.
Did organized crime end after the St. Valentine's Day murder? Mexicans are getting beheaded weekly in Mexico & it doesn't seem to deter anyone when so much money is to be made.Look at the continuous drug related crime in the US:dunno:

It is obvious these guys (one was a allegedly 16 year old kid) aren't the hardened military trained pirates but one of many ragtag teams they trained to capture the ship until reinforcements arrive.

I'm curious to find out how the 16 year old was able to negotiate his way out? Did the other pirates not want him hurt?

Also how in the hell did all three men poke their heads out at one time & allow snipers clean shots at them:dunno:

I heard in the past the Pirates were strictly about business & went out of their way to be 'kind'(relatively speaking) to the hostages. It wasn't anything personal so I hope the 240 hostages & 14 vessels they are holding now nor future hostages(they won't stop) aren't maltreated.


Land Of The Snakes
CNN reported that they mite make a movie out of this whole "pirates" taking hostage the captain. leave it up to hollywood to make a movie out of anything just to make a quick buck!
Also how in the hell did all three men poke their heads out at one time & allow snipers clean shots at them:dunno:

I heard in the past the Pirates were strictly about business & went out of their way to be 'kind'(relatively speaking) to the hostages. It wasn't anything personal so I hope the 240 hostages & 14 vessels they are holding now nor future hostages(they won't stop) aren't maltreated.

They wouldn't have necessarily had to poke their heads out. Please understand US Navy SEALS possess highly specialized training and have resources (I/R, night vision, audio, etc.) to bring to bear that make a mission like this less difficult. Imagine these SEALs could see and hear everything that was going on inside this lifeboat and frankly, these poor bastards never stood a chance.

As far as these pirates being about business...Sure, they do likely have a greater desire for money than a bunch of dead hostages or ship full of cargo that they then have to fence (Like a dog who chases bumpers, they don't think about what they would do with the bumper if they were stuck with it after they caught it. It's all about the chase). But make no mistake, these are violent people.
Who would have thought that the first foreign incident that President Obama faced was the same one President Jefferson faced? African Pirates.
In the "City of God," St. Augustine tells the story of a pirate captured by Alexander the Great.

The Emperor angrily demanded of him, "How dare you molest the seas?"

To which the pirate replied, "How dare you molest the whole world? Because I do it with a small boat, I am called a pirate and a thief. You, with a great navy, molest the world and are called an emperor."
