Pills in Development to allow only 2 hours of sleep

I think what pisses me off about this more than anything is the fact that nowadays companies expect you to work more and more hours. You're basically taken advantage of in this technology-ridden world, and someday these corporate assholes will expect people to take a pill and work more!


Member, you member...
I would not take this pill. Why would anyone for that matter?
I see a huge waste of money trying to develop this, that could've been better spent on making a new bed.
Part of the problem is that we aren’t even a 100% sure why we need sleep or even what forces us to have to sleep. It just seems like too much of a risk to mess with a system our body has when we don't even know that much about it. If we were designed to spend 1/3 of our lives doing it, it must be important. Sleep has other beneficial factors, some of them being that your body heals better while asleep, you grow more while asleep, and it gives some of your bodies functions a rest that have had to work all day. I don't want to die in my 50's because I burnt out my body too fast, especially somebody like me who is trying to healthy as long as possible. This is in addition to the benefits of sleep to your mind that we are only starting to understand. It is probably even more important than the physical aspects of sleep. Also similar to what some people have stated above, we shouldn't try to shove more hours into the day than there already are. Life is hectic enough as it is. I don't want to give some corporation an excuse to start working people 18 hours a day. The fact we need sleep is one of the reasons they don't do things like this as much as they could get away with otherwise.