Diamond said:
Why is it that the courts are always reluctant to imprison famous people. I say lock the little smackhead away for 10 years
Yeah, 'cause it's impossible to get drugs in prison! :rofl2:
I just wish the courts were always reluctant to imprison ANYONE who's addicted to drugs. Aren't prisons meant to keep the dangerous people away from society, with the chance that those years spent in lockup would somehow rehabilitate said criminal? This guy isn't hurting anyone, he's just a weak minded shit head addicted to herion. In America there's thousands of drug addicts, who are NOT fucking criminals but sick people with no hope of helping themselves, locked up for years in our prisons. Meanwhile two things happen:
1. Because our Fucked Up Beyond Belief justice system imposes insanely long mandatory minimum sentences of drug possessors, there is no room for the murderers and rapists, they get sentences that average half the length of a drug abuser, seriously.
2. The drug user, who went into prison with no personal constitution what so ever, comes out even more fucked up then when he went in. You think a fucking prison helps one overcome his personal demons? Hah! So, this sick guy just spent 10 years surrounded by violent scum, virtually no treatment options, AND even easier access to drugs than on the street. What's he gonna do when he gets out of that living hell? He's gonna go get high as a motherfucker.
And the circle of lunacy continues.
Doherty should do what Dwight Gooden did. He was offered something like 5 years probation and random drug testing ( which is usually like once a week ) instead of taking a year in prison. He said fuck that, I'll take the prison. That way he can smoke crack for a year in the comfortable confines of a prison cell and then get out and smoke crack undisturbed in the comforts of his living room.