Persona Non Grata


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Theoretical Situation:

You get expelled from your country, for whatever reason. You Might try to change this in court, let us say, you just do not succed, you have to leave permanently.


If you could pick ANY foreign country to live in - which country would you want to live in, and why exactly that one?

I will start with my pick.

As I really like the climate around southern Europe, and find the french way of life, and the french language especially great... I would like to live in Paris. Was there twice, and I fell in love with it, and the people around. Okay Sarkozy and his cronies are a drawback, but hell I have endured Chancellors Kohl, Schröder and Merkel, I can endure that little shithead, I suppose :1orglaugh

Okay, what is your pick?


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Russia. It's like America, but its got that hint of authoritarian communism that I love.
I like killing Christians. Egypt might be an option.

... nah, any country in Western Europe where they speak a Germanic language is fine. Or I'll do the Gauguin and defect to Tahiti to paint naked Hula girls all day.
If I get tons of money too then Monaco, otherwise I've heard Switzerland is good

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Well, when President Palin takes office in 2012, being expelled is something that I better start planning for now!

I'd like to say Monaco or Switzerland, but neither of those countries just let working stiffs like me waltz in and set up shop. But I've always enjoyed going to Montreal, so probably Canada. If they didn't have to be such assholes about speaking French instead of English, Quebec might actually be fun - until the Nitwit Queen was overthrown and I could return to the U.S.


...currently wanking!
Exile in Malta sounds good. Subtropical-Mediterranean climate, beaches and they also speak English.


persona non grata
Norway, i wouldn´t have to learn a new language and it´s culturally very similar to Sweden. Oh, and i can make fun of norwegians to their face when they lose to swedes in skiing instead of on internet forums.
so I live in Poland but if I were expelled I would pick some tiny little African country, some real fcking desolate area with a very very native black tribe living there. I would show them a flashlight, a lighter and a few more "items from the future" and tell them that I'm their new king. The best aids-free black girls go to my hut, rest of the male part of the tribe goes hunting for lions with spears and everyone is happy.
and seriously: Spain- somewhere near Granada or Malaga, generally south.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I picked the UK, but I don't think I'd keep it as my first choice. It's too similar in too many ways to the US. Instead, I'd probably opt for Denmark, Latvia or Japan. Can't rightly narrow it more than that at the moment.


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Tokyo, Japan - The video game capital, at least in my opinion, I'd need to Japanese though.


Hiliary 2020
i already did it.
for quality/amount of women and for the best sex life Colombia is the best.
but if i really could i would live in Italy.


For the EMPEROR!!
Northern Europe, . Sweden, Norway or Denmark
Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan because of all the hot looking women.
England. I know it's not a sexy choice but I'm thinking practical as it wouldn't be that different from the U.S so there wouldn't be any culture shock and I wouldn't have to learn a new language. Plus I love Man U so I'd be able to catch a few games.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I'm not leaving the US to go to some inferior country, period. If they're getting rid of me, I'm looking for a bridge to jump off.
