Perfect figure?

Maybe it's stupid, but I'm really interested in your opinion. What do You think about figure, breasts, hips, legs (not face) of this girl? :)



Closed Account
It would help if she wasn't sitting down, but going from 1-10
Breasts...Too covered to tell
Legs...Same with breasts
She is an attractive girl but not my cup of tea.


Retired Moderator
Without seeing any more of her I would rate her an 8 :thumbsup:
I'm a fan of wider hips and smaller top.


It's good to be the king...
I don't think there is such a thing as a "perfect figure" - each of us has our own preferences. Some of us prefer curvy, busty figures. Others petite, small-breasted.

[edit] ps: she's ok - but she's not my idea of perfection....
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Breasts...5 since its not a wet t-shirt
Legs...Too covered to tell
She is some one I would enjoy meeting
Seems to me her face is her best feature (especially her smile and eyes) - not sure why you don't want our opinions on that... :dunno:
She is cute. I rather like dark, "indian" women. She is sweet, the girl-next-door. I would definitely buy her a drink if I met her in a bar
she has a very cute face and nice body but maybe from my point of view she looks like every normal girl that ones could like.
breasts 8
hips 7
legs 8
but maybe we need more pictures, for a better opinion.
Odd. The starter of this thread has one post, and that was to start this thread, and he never posted anything else. :dunno:

There's gratitude for ya! :thefinger :D