People make me fucking sick

So this morning we had a huge storm come through here. It was amazing - 80 kmph winds, rain like you wouldn't believe. I happened to be driving at the time. I got to a spot on a country road where smallish tree brush had blown down and was across the whole road.

It was light and easy to clean up. However, there were 3 cars in each direction just sitting, looking at the barrier. I pulled up, left my 3 year old in the back seat and started cleaning up.

What did the other drivers do? They sat in their fucking cars and watched me. When I got one side mostly clear, I was picking up smaller sticks, and the driver at the front fucking honked at me to get out of the way. When I moved, (s)he peeled past me, and the other drivers all followed suit.

Honestly? You can't get out of your car and lend a hand? And you're so fucking important that you have to honk at me to get out of the way as I'm clearing brush so you can get through?

I hope to meet those people again. So I can punch them.

Thank you. I feel better now that I have vented.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
When I got one side mostly clear, I was picking up smaller sticks, and the driver at the front fucking honked at me to get out of the way. When I moved, (s)he peeled past me, and the other drivers all followed suit.

Honestly? You can't get out of your car and lend a hand? And you're so fucking important that you have to honk at me to get out of the way as I'm clearing brush so you can get through?

The second you heard that horn, you should have started putting it all in front of that persons car, then gone back to the stuff you moved, and put it back on the road, in front of the offending asshole.
Wait, you have a 3-year-old?!? :surprise: You're talking about a poodle, right? RIGHT?!?
Aha. People are scum. I hope they got in an accident after that encounter.

Imagine the story they tell on their forum?

Title - People make me sick.

So it was storming pretty bad, 80mph winds. Very dangerous. Well, I'm driving home and I come across some branches and stuff blocking the road. So I'm sitting there, waiting, doing nothing but wasting time and gas, when some hero gets out of his car and starts cleaning it up. Can you believe this? He even left his kid in the car. ALONE!! What a guy!!! Anyway, he was taking his sweet time until finally I honked at his lazy ass so I could get on my way.

Some peoples kids.
People are stupid and lazy nowadays and often it doesn't occur to them to get off of their backsides and do something for themselves, they were probably waiting for the fire service to show up. I'd have thought others would have seen what you were doing and got out and done likewise or at the minimum put their hand up as a thank you (like they do here in the UK), but horning you :facepalm:
So... what have we learnt?

Never help anyone. Ever.

Buy yourself a Hummer, drive over the tree while the rest of the plebeians sit and wait for someone to help and show your utter disdain for their pathetic little lives by spitting on as many of their windows as possible.

Yes, you'll be just another "asshole Hummer driver." But you'll be our asshole Hummer driver.


what the fuck you lookin at?
if i cam across a downed tree blocking the road. I'd move just enough for myself to get around. Fuck everyone else! As for someone clearing the road already. Id just sit in my car and watch too!


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
And why would you put your 3 year old in her?
Bummer Dirk...
Dude that is one of those situations
where you meet the hot foxy chick who gets
out and helps you.