Whether you like his publication or not, he was the first person to print a picture that showed pubic hair in a widely-circulated periodical.
R.I.P. Bob. :hatsoff:
No, that honor belongs to Larry Flynt and Hustler.
As for Guccione, Penthouse was an excellent stroke mag, until Guccione decided for some as yet unexplained reason to start doing pictorials of chicks pissing. First it would be just one small pic in a pictorial, but it grew and grew until
EVERY pictorial would have at least 3 pics of chicks pissing. Gross enough on it;s own, but when it was added to the lesbo pictorials that was the last straw.
I've never read or heard an explanation for this and wonder if any poster here has some legitimate ie; non snarky smart ass insight into this.