Over advertising?

Watching television Im often amazed by how certain products are advertised. Whether it be the wonders of the deluxe toilet paper, erectile dysfunction and childrens diapers. I think they have an unecassary need to oversell products that are in fact intended for what doesnt need put on tv.

Toilet paper exists to wipe our soiled arses, or in case of the ladies wipe those missed pearls of urine away or more often simply blowing our noses. I dont think personally (in regards to UK tactics) we need to see images of cute puppies, smiling children or the general implication the better you treat your asshole, the better your life will become.

Same goes for the childrens diapers. The strangest thing Ive seen Toy Story 3 product placement on in fact is the disney emblazoned elasticated shit collection bags that we strap to children to stop them staining the carpet. Kinda on par with novelty boxer shorts for me.

Erectile dysfunction probably walks hand in hand with the thrush cream for the ladies. We know the problem is there, if you suffer from either you know where to go for help. If you dont suffer from it, then heres an unhappy reminder your next. Try sitting through one of those ads with your father in the room, watch for that uncomfortable twitch that signals his cock is on the fritz or when you are in the presence of your mum or gf, has she fallen victim to that uncomfortable flaky/burning sensation to?

Or that beautifully scripted ad where the recently widowed father is comforted by his daughter and urged to date again - but his grey hair has destroyed his confidence. So the little bitch buys him some hair colour and his sex life is back on track! That is of course til the new woman discovers the erectile dysfunction and rebellious teenage daughter who will try to kill her for replacing her mother.

I might be losing myself in making my own point, all I have to wonder is, are we making the most unglamourous of things glamourous?

Do you have any other examples where we are force fed products in neon lights we normally dont give a shit about?


Closed Account
The worst are tampon commercials. They should only be shown on lifetime, I don't wanna see tampon commercials while I'm watching a football game, or even worse when I'm eating, that just paints a horrible picture.
Ipad, do we really need this? You probably end up with a bunch of apps you just going to use one time. It's hard to get porn on it for free, so using it on the toilet is pointless too.

I don't hate Apple products, to be honest their products look nice.

O yeah, commercials are cool. At least the "Old spice" one is.


Do you have any other examples where we are force fed products in neon lights we normally dont give a shit about?

I think you pretty much nailed it on your first try. And I'm in full agreement, but I've repped you recently (which you never thanked me for :D ), so you'll have to settle for a handjob.

A few years ago after a bout with those maxi-pad commercials, my brother and I would answer anyone's question with, "But does it have wings?" and then laugh hysterically.


Member, you member...
Beer commercials - everyone knows they sell beer.

Birth control commercials - everyone knows that girls like to fuck, this just helps them believe they can do it with no consequences.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Insurance commercials. Who wants to be reminded that they are being continuously fleeced. And every fuckin one of them says they're the cheapest. :dunno:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I usually change the channel to another show in progress if there are commercials.


Marketers/advertisers are bent on imprinting their brand upon consumers. They work to convince you, sometimes subliminally to choose their product first when you have a need. They try to convince you that you have a need. They routinely bombard us in an attempt to make their product(s) and brand omnipresent and top of mind.

Some companies are so good at marketing that many people will identify with them and pay a premium for their product; e.g Apple, Mercedes Benz, Heinekin.

Just look at the power of McDonald's marketing, branding and advertising where many two year olds in North American society can already identify the golden arches.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Except live sporting events, I DVR everything I watch so I can fast forward through the commercials.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
Bill Hicks said it best: If you are in marketing or advertising, do the world a favor and kill yourself.
when ever a McDonald's commercials show up on tv for some reason t=it always make me get up and go to commercials :D
Every commercial annoys me. The tone of voice that is used in one ad or another.
It's usually either the high-pitched, nasal, nerdy voice or it's the calming tone where they try to lull the consumer into a trance. A false sense of security. I've been noticing more and more of those recently.
But most of all, I've had enough of the overabundance of overly dramatic actors selling pills for almost everything. It's like our governments won't rest until they have us all on their chemicals.
Again, they talk in that fake, soothing tone while they tell you all the bad side effects, and the warning of "Don't blablabla - as this might cause a drop in blood pressure blabla".
So people take that pill, then they get side effects. So then they take another pill for that, which gives them other side effects. Oh, well we have a pill for that too.
I've never understood car commercials. Do carmakers expect anybody to watch their ads and say: "That's a good idea! I'm going to the store tomorrow and buy a new car."? Instant shopping doesn't work with luxury goods.