Will E Worm
Otis Byrd murdered a white woman in 1980
Recently, CNN ran TWO national news stories about the suspicious death of Otis Byrd, a black male in Mississippi. The man most likely committed suicide. In fact, the FBI has now announced that preliminary autopsy results indict a suicide. However, CNN gave the suicide national publicity two days in a row, to hype the remote possibility that he had been murdered by a white man.
Actual white on black murders have become so rare that the media makes national stories out of a suspicious death. Meanwhile, actual racially motivated black on white murders are quarantined to local coverage and described as a “robbery gone bad.”
Of course CNN neglected to mention that the black male murdered a woman in 1980 and spent 26 years behind bars. CNN definitely didn’t want to report that the woman he murdered was a white woman. In fact the daughter of his victim is now an Air Force General and married to a former Congressman from Pennsylvania. Wouldn’t the high profile of the daughter of the woman Otis Byrd brutally murdered, be a more relevant story? Apparently, not to CNN!
The extreme far-left Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] raises about $25 million a year hyping white on black crime. Except they can’t even find any. For the entire year of 2014, their website hyped one suspicious black suicide as a possible white on black murder. Local authorities have ruled it a suicide. Local black power activists have added fictional details to the suicide, that can be easily debunked.
The SPLC and MSNBC came out with a documentary that hypes white on black crime. They show a computer animation of what a white on black mob attack might look like. The event in the computer animation is purely fictional. A white ex-con is given $35,000 worth tattoo removal services in exchanged for making vague claims of having participated in violence against black people. Yet no specific details are given and no actual crimes are ever cited.
If you follow the CofCC website, you already know that they link to actual videos of actual racially motivated black on white mob attacks all the time. Probably at a rate of once a week. Yet the combined resources of MSNBC and the SPLC couldn’t find one actual video for the documentary. The SPLC often hypes white on black murders that are over minimum of ten years old and sometimes decades old. They have been recycling the same murders for the organization entire history.
The Clarion Ledger reports that in 1981, Byrd was found guilty of murdering Lucille Trim in Claiborne County. Former Claiborne Sheriff Joyce McCay told the media about the crime: “She had a little country store. He robbed her and he killed her.” It emerged during Byrd’s trial that he stole $101 from Trim. The Vicksburg Post reports that he stole the money in order to pay a $10 restitution from a previous crime.
Why was he out? Why wasn't he executed?