One Horrible Facebook Mishap!

This is hilarious. Some guy who looks to be a lame-o coffeeshop folk singer-type (I could be wrong, but hey...) accidentally posts a decidedly NSFW pic on his Facebook page. Here's guessing he loses a lot of his friends over this...


Nasty!!! - and be sure to read all of the comments - the last one is a real hoot.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
This is the material trauma is made of :)

But hey he is a singer, he can always write a song about this ^^
Holy Shit...sorry, I had to say it!!! Is that a Birthmark on his right thigh there? Ewwwww!!!lol
First: Gross! Why do people do that? I mean Really!?, Really?!
Second: Isn't always the way for those that create these really pious, religious, personas to fall so hard and flat on their face. If this guy had been a regular 'dude' most would have laughed this off as a joke...This guy is so far gone on how he 'should' act that when a bone falls out of his closet it makes a much bigger noise.

He had an out with the Hacker ask...I would have run with that one!
First: Gross! Why do people do that? I mean Really!?, Really?!
Second: Isn't always the way for those that create these really pious, religious, personas to fall so hard and flat on their face. If this guy had been a regular 'dude' most would have laughed this off as a joke...This guy is so far gone on how he 'should' act that when a bone falls out of his closet it makes a much bigger noise.

He had an out with the Hacker ask...I would have run with that one!

Yeah, he should have run with that.

Like "Yes, it's not just my Facebook account, my WHOLE COMPUTER is loaded with all kinds of the most repulsive pornography imaginable! If anyone's a computer expert, please contact me on how I can clean this stuff off of my PC - or should I just throw it away and buy a new one??!"
Wish you had never posted that FK.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
hahahahah omg and so I HAD to look him up on facebook and hes definitely real lol thats too funny!