Omfg U Lucky Sons Of Guns


Please read the rules.

Please add new links to existing threads. Don't start a new thread for a babe if you know her name and there are already threads of her on the board.
Seen them already..


puddle said:
i kno i kno, im sorry...but i thin ku will forgive me.....

300+ pics

(i love it when i find something better than wat i thought was the best)



Inspector_XXX said:
... *sigh*

Please read the rules.

Please add new links to existing threads. Don't start a new thread for a babe if you know her name and there are already threads of her on the board.

It doesn't matter if you wanted to post them again, you ADD to an already existing thread. PERIOD.

Do NOT create a new thread just because it suits your fancy. You ADD to the already EXISTING thread.

No exceptions!

'Nuff said... go and sin no more.