Okay So I want a new last name..

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
As most of you already know, I am in the process of getting a divorce. Well I really don't want to keep his last name, there is no reason to, thats something a husband and wife share and we aren't that anymore. I want to change my last name but I don't want to go back to my maiden name because well, its never really fit me (it isn't my real fathers last name anyway) And I just dont like it. I have thought about it and there are a couple names I like, tell me which you like the best, and if you think it goes with my name. Also if you have a suggestion let me know :)
My name by the way is Nichole:

Valentine--strong, vigourous, healthy

Vega--Dweller in the plain


Drake--A leader

Coraggio--Strength/courage in Italian

Stella-- Star in Italian

Paradiso--Paradise in Italian

(as of right now I'm really leaning towards Coraggio)

(In case you haven't guessed I am a Italian by the way :p )
Have you considered doing some geneology research and seeing if there's a surname somewhere back in your family tree that you like? It'd have some history then and keep you somewhat connected to your roots, but still be personal.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
Have you considered doing some geneology research and seeing if there's a surname somewhere back in your family tree that you like? It'd have some history then and keep you somewhat connected to your roots, but still be personal.

The thing is, my whole family has different last names, like my mom had a habit of changing our names growing up all the time so my brother, mom, sisters and me all had different names. (weird I know) but I really want to find one that is about me, not my family because really my brother is all I have left, something that is about who I am, and what I stand for.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I also like Protettore--Which is Italian for Protector/Guardian..
I don't know. One it's hard to really get a good feel of it without knowing first name and saying it together a few times.

Protettore is decent.

Alyssa Rose

Official Checked Star Member
I don't know. One it's hard to really get a good feel of it without knowing first name and saying it together a few times.

Protettore is decent.

I said my name silly :p

It's Nichole. Nichole Alyssa

Which Nichole means Victory Of The People
& Alyssa means Rationale or Noble

I was named after Nicole Eggert from baywatch and Alyssa Milano... yeah lol
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I can't figure what I would do. However that could be because my last name is on the cusp of unique. It could also be the fact I am male and like my last name.
I like the sound of Paradiso

Some other Italian translation suggestions:

Indomita: Untamed (female)
Celeste: Heavenly
Sirena: Siren
Duchessa: Duchess
Divina: Divine (female connotation)


Valentine-- emo

Vega-- bad guy from street fighter

Raine-- wanna-be dark and mysterious, twilight/emo

Drake-- sounds good

Coraggio-- an offer you can't refuse...

Stella-- a cheap hooker

Paradiso-- a cheap male hooker

i know, i'm being a bit harsh... but search wikipedia for italian names, or maybe the place in italy that your family comes from? Nicola di Modena, for example. and take your time, sleep on it.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
...but search wikipedia for italian names, or maybe the place in italy that your family comes from? Nicola di Modena, for example.

I think that's a good idea. When my great grandfather came to this country from Italy, the last name was changed to something very English sounding. And now no one (still alive) knows what the correct surname was. One of my aunts denies that we have any connection whatsoever to Italy. Yet my grandfather told me that he spoke Italian up until he was about 6 or 7 years old. I wish that I'd asked him more questions about that now.

But if Hissy can find out what town in Italy her family is from, I think she should go that route. At least that way, the name will have some relevance, and it won't just be a random name. "Vito Andolini" (Corleone) wasn't the first person to use a town's name as his new last name. It's also quite common in Latin America and other cultures.