So many Babes with still only 0 votes... :notfair:
Loli - always one of the first to post "bribes" on this thread, even when she has not been nom-nomed would most definitely deserve some.
Holly - who is a totally awesome, and who might appreciate some loving warmth to get better soon, most certainly could use some.
Miss Deep - who I admit to not having seen on this thread for a few weeks, always does schtuff for her fans.
Jane - always involved in cool stuff, and also Aaliyah and Spexy aren't they perhaps sexy?
So c'mon guys (and if there's any girls - OCSMs or not) give some love to those Babes as well. I'm serious, I mean it, :cmon: vote! :whip:
I only have 1 vote to give, I can't give it to all of 'em (though I'd love to), so I'm still trying to hold on to mine.