Obama says Gaddafi's departure from Libya inevitable

TRIPOLI/WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President Barack Obama said on Thursday it was inevitable Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi would have to leave power and only then could a democratic transition in the North African state proceed.


And...in another story...

Obama says Syria's Assad must reform or go

BOQAYA, Lebanon (Reuters) – Syria deployed tanks in a border village on Thursday, witnesses said, ignoring growing pressure from Washington which called on President Bashar al-Assad to stop trying to crush popular unrest or step aside.
"The Syrian regime has chosen the path of murder and mass arrest," Obama said in a condemnation of Assad's military campaign to suppress a two-month wave of protests demanding greater freedom.



I agree it would be nice if they reformed but since when is it your or our business to make demands like this of leaders of sovereign nations??

Connor Macleod

Staff member
I agree it would be nice if they reformed but since when is it your or our business to make demands like this of leaders of sovereign nations??

Everyone seems to assume that once Gaddafi and Assad are gone, everything will be nice and peaceful. They don't realize that someone will replace these leaders and how do we know these replacements won't be worse?
Neither one of those guys will be moving anytime soon.

Qhadaffi (whats the actual spelling on that, ive seen Ghaddafi and Qhadaffi...who knows) is a dillusional nutjob, a guy who thinks he is very much in control, and he is in the way that he has the military resources to crush any rebellion, but he doesnt have the hearts and minds of the Libyan people, hence why theres a big enough rebellion to fight back against his oppression.

Bashar Asad is a different kind of animal, he is not dillusional, he knows what he has, but hes also ruthless, moreso than his father from whom he inherited the country. He will do anything it takes to crush rebellion which he clearly has up to this point and he cares not a single wink what the world thinks about him and his government.

Either way you look at this, both guys will have to be killed to get them out of power
thats still goin on huh? hm, imagine that
Everyone seems to assume that once Gaddafi and Assad are gone, everything will be nice and peaceful. They don't realize that someone will replace these leaders and how do we know these replacements won't be worse?

one word: Iran

When the shah went into exile, the world welcomed Ayatollah Khumeini into power, now hes become worst than the regime he deposed
The Syrian army has proven it cannot be trusted since it's fired on the public. Now not only does Assad need to go but the entire military has to be de-Baathified.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
As much as I'm not a fan of either Q-daffy or Ass-ad, it's NONE of our business!!! It's fine to make comments and throw a few darts at them, but we're not going to actually back up those words with actions, are we, Barack? Right? Right???!!! :dunno:

Repeat after me, Mr. President: the New World Order was horseshit and any nation building based foreign policy supported by neocons is horseshit. Don't get involved in any horseshit and don't get us involved in (anymore) horseshit. OK? OK. We're good then. :thumbsup:
Obama ultimately wants Israel off the map. Tell me, is Gaddafi the real bad guy? A guy who has, dare I say, been friendly towards the West in the last few years. More importantly the Libya business is NOT our concern. (UK and US)

Will E Worm

He should just leave them alone and step down.

Obama departure from Washington is inevitable.

I hope in 2012 or sooner. :tongue:
Neither one of those guys will be moving anytime soon.

Qhadaffi (whats the actual spelling on that, ive seen Ghaddafi and Qhadaffi...who knows) is a dillusional nutjob, a guy who thinks he is very much in control, and he is in the way that he has the military resources to crush any rebellion, but he doesnt have the hearts and minds of the Libyan people, hence why theres a big enough rebellion to fight back against his oppression.

Bashar Asad is a different kind of animal, he is not dillusional, he knows what he has, but hes also ruthless, moreso than his father from whom he inherited the country. He will do anything it takes to crush rebellion which he clearly has up to this point and he cares not a single wink what the world thinks about him and his government.

Either way you look at this, both guys will have to be killed to get them out of power

Very good post:hatsoff:You said what the situation is.
The "Islamic Spring" rolls onward I see. The titles denotes a sense of something more akin to the Italian Renaissance than governments attacking their own people but /shrug what do I know?
Obama ultimately wants Israel off the map. Tell me, is Gaddafi the real bad guy? A guy who has, dare I say, been friendly towards the West in the last few years. More importantly the Libya business is NOT our concern. (UK and US)

The first sentence is true and has been more or less Obama's main goal since he was elected president. Khadafi killed civilian passengers during a twa flight which made 220 dead in the mid-late 80's. He sure sold Petrol to Europe in exchange of having peace but it doesn't make him more or less a danger for the region. Libyan business is more or less taken care of by European armed forces but you are correct anyway Libya is not really USA's main concern.
one word: Iran

When the shah went into exile, the world welcomed Ayatollah Khumeini into power, now hes become worst than the regime he deposed

Don't forget the radical islamic zealots prising and yelling "Allah Akhbar" and kneeing in front of Ahmadinejhad which is as dangerous as the Ayatollah Kohmeni. Ahmadinejhad doesn't like the West and Israel.
Neither one of those guys will be moving anytime soon.

Qhadaffi (whats the actual spelling on that, ive seen Ghaddafi and Qhadaffi...who knows) is a dillusional nutjob, a guy who thinks he is very much in control, and he is in the way that he has the military resources to crush any rebellion, but he doesnt have the hearts and minds of the Libyan people, hence why theres a big enough rebellion to fight back against his oppression.

Bashar Asad is a different kind of animal, he is not dillusional, he knows what he has, but hes also ruthless, moreso than his father from whom he inherited the country. He will do anything it takes to crush rebellion which he clearly has up to this point and he cares not a single wink what the world thinks about him and his government.

Either way you look at this, both guys will have to be killed to get them out of power

True as well, sadly these leaders will never move of their place, if you kill them, you have a strong risk to have groups like the Islamic brotherhood or even more radical islamic parties with leaders being more insane, hateful and ruthless than their predecessors.


Everyone seems to assume that once Gaddafi and Assad are gone, everything will be nice and peaceful. They don't realize that someone will replace these leaders and how do we know these replacements won't be worse?
So what if the mid east and North African nations end up joining together as one under a radicalized multi national muslim brotherhood union, stop being so pessimistic, barack obama said that everything is gonna be just fine! Really, just think, one day our muslim brothers and sisters abroad might actually be able to decide their own fate via the ballot initiative process just like us, isn't that great?!
Wonder if he'll get a S.E.A.L. Team 6 escort with his "inevitable departure.