Obama pledge to Native Americans


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Interesting, didn't think anyone gave a shit about Native Americans in the good old U.S. of A. :dunno:

Actually you would find most americans even those you would think of not being very sympathetic to any minority would say the one group they think has gotten a raw deal were the native americans.They may not be willing to do much about it, but they will say that at least.


Interesting, didn't think anyone gave a shit about Native Americans in the good old U.S. of A.

It's a public relations thingy is all. The president doesn't have emotions therefore he is not empathetic until it's time to score points.


Closed Account
Finally. Not quite the Truth And Reconciliation Commission - actually it would be better if Pres Obama keeps his word.
Sounds good.

Is he actually going to listen to their concerns? Doubt it.

Most Indians attitude toward the government is: Leave us alone!

They get just enough money from the government and the Casinos to keep them in poverty and none invested in infrastructure and economics that they desperately need. The projects that they do get just strip them of their resources by the government and by outside companies and the pay offs don't go back into Indian hands.