Sorry, I didn't stoop to believing he was a racist for saying something ...
to say that Obama becoming President will put civil rights leaders out of business
Apparently what you heard and what I heard were two very different things.
are many, allegedly "civil rights" leaders that thrive on the conflict, and aren't exactly interested in "moving on."
If Obama takes the White House, it undercuts their very statements that "a black man can't win the White House," among other things.
As I read it, that's what he was saying, and I happened to agree with that point.
Are you talking to yourself? Seriously!
I.e., it would be very nice for once if you wouldn't read into what people say, and stop to look at where they
may be coming from.
By not stopping to understand his points, you too are being "blind" and "biased" because you want to believe it's something he may have not intended.
I, for one, saw his point very different than you on this matter, and didn't stoop to assuming he was a racist for saying it.
If you believe he is a racist for saying what you think, then
You Might as well label me a racist for seeing it in a different way.
Because I happen to agree that for some so-called "leaders," this applies.
Jessie Jackson has proven himself to be a racist at several points in his life and political career.
In fact, his anger has been targeted at people of Jewish faith several times as well.
Coincidentally, I've noticed you "go silent" whenever the Jewish minority of this country comes up as well -- oh wait, they're not a "real minority."
Obama, on the other hand, has not, and he's sees some of the same attitudes from his own African American bretheren as Powell.
God it's so sickening to see people like yourself charge into the debate, strong headed, as if you speak for them.
I'm a largely Irish-American of several generations since immigration and the last thing I do is talk for people of other backgrounds, creeds and cultures.
Anyone with half a brain who isn't totally mired in bias themselves can see that.
Then I don't have half a brain either, because I saw it differently than yourself.
So be it, I "can't be trusted" and "must abuse my weak wife" and countless other judgements you've put forth here as well.
Please, please, you are actually proliferating the very attitudes you allegedly despise -- you promote intolerance on this matter.
You will railroad anyone with labels as racists and without half their brains and what not.
The worst I've ever been guilty of is calling someone ignorant of experience and expertise in an area, never intelligence or racism.
You do this over and over and over again, and it gets really old, especially when you're not interested in what someone actually said.
We are SO far from equal rights for all races in this country. We are so biased it's overwhelming.
Yeah, we are biased in the quick judgement of anyone sometimes, to the point they are a racist and people don't even stop to listen to what they may have meant.
We've already decided what they meant and could never see it another way.
Again, the real "civil rights" leaders in this country were around when being for "civil rights" wasn't popular.
Too many "Johnny come lately" types are rather pathetic, especially when they want to turn an interesting statement into not just an alleged one of racism, but label that person a racist for it.
Labelling people as racists is how it starts, and the related guilty-by-association that comes with that is how you totally abandon everything you say you stand for.
Might as well label me a racist too, because I actually understood what he meant.
Again, you are surprisingly silent when it comes to anything that could possibly be considered anti-semitic, and I've pointed that out more than once.
You have a rather "interesting history" of not being so emotional and driven when it requires you to apply the same principles for something you clearly do not believe in.
It's also why Jessie Jackson has not been considered of the same value to the civil rights movement as MLK Jr.
I mention Jessie Jackson by name, because someone else did.
It's part of the reason why I saw it very differently than yourself.
It's why I too believe that Obama reaching the White House would finally shut these people the hell up.
The sooner, the better.
There has NEVER EVER been a case where a country taxed itself into prosperity.
That's because there is a point of diminishing returns.
Higher tax rates do not always mean increased federal income.
The reality is that our federal government overspends a crapload.
I honestly wish we were taken over by European socialists.
Because if we're going to become socialist, I trust just about every European country's leader to do a heck of a lot better job than any American.
Middle class Americans think socialization means "what I get" when they don't realize "it's what I give up for those less fortunate, and we're all equal."
More taxes won't let us create even more social programs of more cost.
To do socialism proper requires you to sacrifice programs that aren't necessary for ones that are.
We already spend quite a bit of our GDP on social programs, and I don't think people realize how much.
And gutting defense to nothing won't solve that budgetary issue either.
Furthermore, if you gut the US defense budget, the economies of most western countries will falter when their resources are no longer secured either.
It's not just the US that will go, especially not when it comes to petroleum imports from the middle east.