Race is a very hot button in America.
We chose a President for all American, not just African-American and any local police matter should NOT be commented by the President of United States.
Obama's handling of the economy is a E-, a failing grade and adding a proposal to Universal Health Care with a trillion dollar deficit, Obama is a one-term President.
Time after time, Obama is actually acting "stupidly" (quoted from Obama) to meet with black athletes, to go to Broadway to see black Broadway shows and promote blacks to many Federal appointed jobs.
I think it is time for us to pause and ask ourselves who did we vote for in Novemeber. A President for all people, or a President for 17% of all American.
It is time for Obama to wake up and NEVER comment on a local cop issue between white cop and black citizen.
Would Obama commented on this local matter if Professor Gates of Harvard is a white dude and trying to enter into his own home.
The bigger issue is the white woman happened to walk by is the one who called police believing "black" can not live in a upscale neighborhood.
Also the police responded also do not stop from there after Professor Gates presented his Harvard I.D. and stating this is his own residence.
Anyone will have a fist with the cop questioning the house owner if he is breaking into his own house.
This is a burning issue and Obama should stay away from it.
Let his friend, Governor of Mass. presented a fact and then followed up with it.
Now, Obama becomes the focal point of the racial divide in America !
We chose a President for all American, not just African-American and any local police matter should NOT be commented by the President of United States.
Obama's handling of the economy is a E-, a failing grade and adding a proposal to Universal Health Care with a trillion dollar deficit, Obama is a one-term President.
Time after time, Obama is actually acting "stupidly" (quoted from Obama) to meet with black athletes, to go to Broadway to see black Broadway shows and promote blacks to many Federal appointed jobs.
I think it is time for us to pause and ask ourselves who did we vote for in Novemeber. A President for all people, or a President for 17% of all American.
It is time for Obama to wake up and NEVER comment on a local cop issue between white cop and black citizen.
Would Obama commented on this local matter if Professor Gates of Harvard is a white dude and trying to enter into his own home.
The bigger issue is the white woman happened to walk by is the one who called police believing "black" can not live in a upscale neighborhood.
Also the police responded also do not stop from there after Professor Gates presented his Harvard I.D. and stating this is his own residence.
Anyone will have a fist with the cop questioning the house owner if he is breaking into his own house.
This is a burning issue and Obama should stay away from it.
Let his friend, Governor of Mass. presented a fact and then followed up with it.
Now, Obama becomes the focal point of the racial divide in America !